"Hey, hey, alright!"

Elizandra heard Elena call from the other side of the door. She genuinely felt relieved that the girl was still alive after last night.

As Elena opened the door, Elizandra could see the relief in Elena's eyes the second she saw an alright Elizandra, considering last night's events. But, the moment she noticed the presence behind Elizandra, she calls for Stefan, warily.

Stefan appears from the kitchen and approaches them. He smiles warmly at Elizandra but it falls to a frown when he sees Elijah.

"Elijah." Stefan greeted uncertainly.

"Hello again." Elijah replies. Elizandra rolls her eyes and enters the house; heading straight for the kitchen where Matt was.

"Hey!" Matt chuckles and embraces her, "I stopped by early this morning, but Brady said you were still out cold."

Elizandra grins, and takes a seat at the table. "Wait, you were the one who brought me those flowers?"

Matt sucked in air, "Actually, courtesy of Damon," Elizandra cocked her head in a surprising manner. "He asked me to drop them off for him."

"Mm, typical Damon can't drop them off himself." Elizandra joked. "I'll make sure to thank him."

"Honestly, I just think he's a bit afraid of your uncle." Matt walked over to the table and set a mug of hot coffee in from of her. She thanked him with a smile and wrapped her hands around the warm mug.

"I'd love to tease him about that. Thank you, Matt."

"Hey, you didn't hear that from me." Matt points at her with a smirk. Then, Elena, Elijah, and Stefan walk in and the two fell silent. They had already been talking about a pressing manner and Elizandra was curious what type of business Elijah needed to sort out with them.

"We've finally stopped him, Elijah. After everything that he's done to us, I can't just let you bring him back." Elena exclaimed to Elijah. Elizandra slowly set the mug back down as she tried to piece together their conversation. She wished she had been listening in since the beginning.

"I give you my word, Elena. I will not revive Klaus within yours nor even within your children's lifetimes. Perhaps that will finally teach him some manners."

"Wait, wait, wait," Elizandra straightened her posture and looked to Elijah as everyone else looked over at her.

"Here we go." Damon, who had been on the speaker phone, groaned.

"What do you mean revive?" She looked utterly confused with a mixture of concern, which only caused Elijah to analyze and deduct her emotions out of curiosity. "What did I miss?"

Stefan took a deep breath in and turned his body to face her, "We had Bonnie help us last night with a spell to stop Klaus ... which worked."

Elizandra's face relaxed as she took in the information, "Oh." She softly says; nodding her head and glances at Elijah. Noticing the look of curiosity on his face, she composed herself, and looked to Stefan and replied with, "Good. It was about time."

Matt intervenes and directed his question towards Elijah, asking, "Why should she trust you? All you've done is screw her over."

Elijah's eyes swiftly move from Elizandra's, to Matt's. "And for that, I am deeply ashamed. But know this, she could have been dead the instant I walked through that door tonight, so Elena, I leave it to you to make the decision whether to trust me or not."

"Not! Hello? Did that concussion give you brain damage?! His lunatic siblings will kill you the first chance they get!"

"True." Elizandra muttered absentmindedly with her eyes averted and sipping her coffee.

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