"Hey, you okay, man?"

"Not really, no. Them tests weren't all they seemed."

Chris frowned deeply. "What do you mean? What did they do to you? Are you hurt?" He glanced all over his brother, concerned as shit.

Ricky looked at his older brother, pushing him into another room so Kellin couldn't wouldn't hear. Again, Chris asked, "did they hurt you?"

Ricky nodded slowly. "I couldn't stop them."

Chris breathing stopped. He exhaled slowly. "What," he gulped. "What did they do to you?"

"Us." He whispered, holding his stomach.

"Wh-" Chris exhaled slowly. He frowned sceptically. "You- they got you... They, you're pregnant?" He tilted his head carefully.

"Yeah. But I need your help."

Chris nodded. "What can I do?"

"I'm not keeping this child."

Chris nodded again. "How do you want to get rid of the- it?" He licked his lips, looking away.

"Abortion, Kellin can't know about this."

"Okay, I'll help you. I'll take you to an abortion clinic after you're out of here."

Ricky hugged his loving, loyal brother, crying into his shirt. "Thank you. You'll still be an uncle," he spoke.

Chris hugged him back just as tight. "What do you mean?" He hummed.

"Kellin." Was all he said.

Chris hesitated before he pulled back. "What?" He frowned a bit. "You got him pregnant?"

Ricky bit his lip. "Yeah, it's a long story."

Chris winced a bit. "Oh, man..." He grimaced. Vic was going to be crushed. Vic already seemed crushed. "Do you love him?"

"I'd die for him."

Chris nodded a bit slowly. He pursed his lips. It was going to be awkward. "I mean, I'm glad you're in love?" He didn't know what to say.

"You don't have to say anything, I'll sort this all out." Ricky said. "It's like if you and Vic done things together. Sexually." Ricky spoke as he looked at his older, taller brother.

Chris tilted his head, face scrunched up. "Well, uh... I don't know what this has to do anything. It's not like he loves me romantically." He pursed his lips.

"If you say so, but I've seen the way you look at him."

Chris sighed. "I said he wasn't in love with me, never the other way around."

"Whatever you say bro." Ricky snickered as he playfully punched Chris' shoulder.

Chris rolled his eyes, smiling a bit. He suddenly grabbed Ricky and hugged him tightly again. He sighed. Letting go. "Sorry, I just really fucking missed you."

Chris rolled his eyes, smiling a bit. He suddenly grabbed Ricky and hugged him tightly again. He sighed. Letting go. "Sorry, I just really fucking missed you."

Chris raised both eyebrows. "What the... What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Hold onto it, only open it if I'm dead or missing. The peelers will know what it is."

Chris frowned a bit before he put it in his back pocket. "Don't die, please and thank you."

"I can't promise. But please, look after my baby and Kellin for me, until I'm fit enough to care for the both of them."

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