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Vic kept biting his lip, staring up and shuffling around. He fiddled with his fingers and messed with his hair, nervously looking over. Once he finally got his order, he thanked the cashier and hurried out back to the car. He sighed. "Man, I fucking hate socializing," he muttered to Kellin, dropping the bags on his lap and putting his seatbelt, waiting for Kellin to start the car and drive away.

"It's not all that bad." Kellin responded as he twisted the keys, revving the engine. "So where was it you said we're going?"

"It is really fucking bad, kellin," he muttered, resting his head back. "We going on that old cottage near the lake. Y'know, the one that's two hours from here? Ricky must be there."

Kellin breaked the car quickly without warning. "We're going to get him?" He burst, glimmer in his eyes.

Vic frowned at him a little bit. "No, we're going there to make sure he's okay, he can't get out of there for now at least," He said slowly. "Why? What's wrong?"

Kellin looked away. "I-I don't know. I guess I just kinda miss him, y'know. Being around one person for so long then not, it's just hard."

Vic smiled sadly. "Yeah... I know exactly what's it like," he looked down, exhaling. "That's why we're going to check on him."

Kellin only nodded before driving again. The drive was silent until they reached the place. The only conversation was Vic giving directions.

Vic sighed. "Okay, so hear me out," he turned to look at Kellin serious. He gulped. "He's not alone in there. Don't ask questions, no matter what is it, don't stay too far from me and just," he breathed out. "Just watch out. No one's gonna hurt you but... Be careful." He got out of the car before Kellin could even question it.

Kellin leaped into action, opening the door and running up to Vic. He knew better than to question him, especially when he was like this.

"If anyone tries anything, go straight back to the car, do you understand me. You've got to look out for yourself and that baby. As for Ricky, if things go down, leave him to me."

Kellin frowned but nodded anyway. Vic gulped and crouched down, taking the spare key from between one of the woods. He chewed on his lip, glancing at Kellin before he opened the door. He pushed it open. He exhaled before shouting, "Thrash?"

Shuffling was heard and Kellin stayed close behind the solider like man.

"Scrapper." Called the voice from the back room. "Come through."

Vic sighed, walking up to them. "You did it?" He asked at first thing. Vic sighed once he saw that Ricky was there.

"No greetings? Just straight to business? Ouch, my feelings," the man mocked, putting his heavily tattoed arm on his chest.

"Enough with that, its all sorted. Now who's this?" Thrasher Spoke as he looked Kellin up and down. I didn't want him to know his identity so I lied.

"Oliver, Oliver Howick."

Thrasher smiled and nodded. "Nice. We gonna sort the costs of your favour here or by ourselves?" He quirked an eyebrow, an amused smile playing on his lips.

"Let's find somewhere, is it okay if Oliver stays in there?" Vic asked, pointing to the room that Ricky sat in. "They're second cousins."

Thrasher nodded. "I don't see why not."

Vic nodded back. He gazed at Kellin. He came a little closer. "You'll be okay?" Kellin asked quietly. Vic whispered back a 'yes'. Kellin hummed and went with Ricky.

He sat in the floor next to his lover. Their eyes locked. Ricky laid his hand in Kellin's stomach, feeling his unborn child. "How is she?"

"She? Do you want a girl?" Kellin Asked as he crossed his legs.

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