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"H-how do you know?" Vic wasn't too shocked to hear about Kellin reproductive organs, but he was surprised that he was with child. "Who's is it?"

Kellin was somewhat relieved that Vic didn't freak out but he was still on the edge. "I think it's a little obvious, " he raised his shirt up a bit, showing that he indeed had a bump there.  He lowered his hand, letting his fingertips trace gently on his skin. He sighed. "That guy you saw back there." He spoke lowly. He didn't want to really say it, not at all. He'd rather forget it or think that he did that himself or some shit. He didn't want to think about everything, especially now that he had a moment away, hopefully permanently.

"Ricky's the dad?" Vic said in slight shock, though he didn't raise he voice because he didn't want to frighten the boy. "Was it consensual?"

Kellin nodded.

"Yeah. Can we, " he cleared his throat. "Can we go in, please? I'm quite tired." He exhaled, turning to Vic. And Vic could see that he was tired if his heavy, red eyes were something to go by, or how dark it was underneath his eyes.

"Let me go get the keys, yeah?" Vic was looking at him a little worried about whether he would be okay waiting but didn't dive deep into though.

Kellin nodded.

"I'll just be a second." Vic whispered before stroking Kellin's shoulder. He shut the door, locking the car for Kellin's protection.

He rushed up to the entrance, seeing that the place was quite old but kept. He smiled at the old lady on the counter.

"Hi, I'd like to ask for a room with two, " he stopped for a second. Ricky? Oh shit. "Three beds, please?"

"We only have two beds either room, dear. You can take two rooms instead."

"Yeah, yeah that's fine, " he nodded. After that, they did what they had to do and Vic was about to sign up when he stopped. He didn't want them to be found. He signed the paper.

"Uh, thank you," the lady took the paper, glancing at it. "Mr. Brook."

The lady handed him the two keys. "Thank you." He said before walking away to get Kellin.

He jogged up to the car, unlocking it. He opened the driver door, sitting down.

"Here, boo," he handed Kellin the key. "You think you'll be okay until we get back? Actually, take this too," he turned around, grabbing the bat that was on the back seat and handling it to Kellin. "You'll take Sprite? Y'know, for company?"

Kellin gave Vic a look of love, the first one he's given apart from with Ricky. "Okay." He nodded.

"There's a lift so you don't have to take the stairs. Sprite will probably sit in your pocket."

Kellin smiled a little, nodding. "Okay, " he whispered. "Good luck, and," he gulped a little, opening the door of the car. "Please get back." He pleaded softly. Maybe he felt selfish to ask but he needed Vic right then.

"I will, I promise," he nodded firmly towards Kellin. The taller one exhaled. He stepped away from the car, closing the door as Vic started it. He left one hand rest on his stomach and bit his lip. He raised one hand at Vic, that was taking away, as a silent goodbye.

Vic drove off, smiling that Kellin is finally safe. He followed the audible satnav back to the house. "Just hang in there." Granted, he was talking about Kellin and Ricky.

He arrived after a while of silence at the neighborhood, where he parked at the end of the street once again. He got off the car, grabbed the other bat and jogged up to the house.

Truth be told ||KellicOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz