Chapter 6

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I spent about 15 more minutes fighting kids until I finally found Katsuki. He was on the roof of a building that was at least not even a block away. He hadn't spotted me yet but I'm sure he was keeping an eye out.

I went into an alleyway that led to the back of the building he was in. Slowly I climbed up the emergency exit, just so I didn't make any noise and well because I was really tired. Finally, I reached the top and stepped up behind him. I was very good a sneaking up on people, I had years of practice.

I looked over his shoulder to see a few kids coming up to the building they must have seen me. Surprisingly they hadn't pointed me out. Swiftly I slammed my foot into the back of his head. "Why in the hell would you force me to fight children, you sociopath!?", I yelled. Honestly, I didn't mind fighting children.. but right when I got out of the hospital?

He didn't say anything but by the kids' faces, I knew he was mad. They all had a terrified look on their faces, except for a few who just looked worried.

"Get your fucking foot off me before I blow it off", Katsuki growled.

"Tch. Whatever", I mumbled as I removed my foot from his head. He stood up and turned to face me. Suddenly his fist slammed straight into my nose causing me to fall back on my ass clutching my nose.

"Jesus Christ!", I shouted. I looked up to Bakugou as he shook my blood off his hand in what seemed like disgust. Shit..when did he get so hot?

"Just shut up already you whiney bitch", Bakugou complained.

"You fucking punched me!", I yelled holding my nose.

"What else is new? You deserved it", Bakugou responded. This is so stupid.

Some of the kids had come onto the roof now. They stared but one came over and tried to help me stop the bleeding, I waved them away angrily as I got up. They look a bit confused but they went back to the small crowd.

"Are you guys married?", One kid asked. My neck almost snapped 180 degrees to face him.

"No!", Katsuki and I both yelled at the same time. The kid jumped and apologized.

"Look I'm going home, I'm done with this shit", I grumbled. Bakugou didn't look too happy.

"I can't let you do that, your still a suspect", He growled.

"Watch me", I scoffed heading down the fire escape. If he followed me then it was game over for him. I live near the villain base and normally my coworkers would be able to my apartment. I'm somewhat special to the boss. Suddenly another wave of exhaustion hit me, I forgot that the one kid opened my wound. Silently I turned the corner of the fake alley and bolted using the last bit of energy I had left. I exited the fake city and left the school grounds hiding in a back alley. 

I leaned against the brick wall panting heavily. Good thing this shirt was red. I unbuttoned it slightly to check the wound, it looked terrible. Black dots were appearing in my sight and I knew I was going to pass out soon. If I could just make it into Villian territory or to my apartment. Maybe I could just stay here for a few minutes, rest for a bit. My eyes fluttered closed and I slid down the wall slowly. 

My eyes flashed open, it was dark out now. How long had I been asleep? I sat up slightly and groaned in pain. I looked down to see my wound had only gotten worse than before. Then I remember what had happened. Slowly I got to my feet, but as I did I heard someone call out my name. I looked to the side to see a shocked Bakugou, had he been looking for me all this time? Why? Because I was a suspect? 

He quickly approached me and grabbed my shoulders. "You dumbass you could have been dead by now", He yelled at me. I didn't respond, man I felt lightheaded. "Don't run off again like that!", He continued. 

As he yelled at me I felt something was off. Out of the corner of my eye, someone was sneaking upon us. "..Bakugou", I tried to get his attention. It was too late, he was smacking over the head with a blunt object. Alarms went off in my head but as soon as I awoke I passed out once more. 

*Discontinued* Dumbass // Katsuki Bakugou x Male ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt