Chapter 3

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Y/n L/n

I woke up to the sound of pots and pans clanging. I mentally groaned and sat up slightly to see where the noise was coming from. As soon as I did I smelt something wonderful, just smelling it made my mouth water.

I looked over to see Bakugou making something. Then I looked to the clock, I slept almost 4 hours. I had woken up at the hospital at 1:00pm and it took us an hour walk from the hospital to Bakugou's apartment. It was now around 6pm.

"You've got a nice quirk there", Bakugou spoke up. I raised a brow, how did he know I was awake? I hummed in response and got off the couch heading towards the kitchen. The living room and kitchen were connected so it was pretty easy. He had an island in the middle with a few chairs. I sat down in one of the chairs.

"How does it work?", Bakugou asked as he grabbed a spatula and started to stir what was in the pan. Should I really tell him my quirk? This could be a chance to get closer to him, gain his trust.

"My quirk is called Lullaby. I have to make eye contact with people and activate it. They are knocked unconscious for about 20, but that always depends", I answer twiddling my thumbs. He just nodded in response.

We were silent for a bit. "What are you cooking?", I asked trying to look over his shoulder in my seat. It didnt work.

"Food", He grumbled. He the took the pan off the burner and poured some of the food on a plate. It looked like some kind of rice. He grabbed the player and dropped it in front of me. The rice looked evenly cooked with steak, peas, and carrots. It looked delicious.

"Here, dont waste it", He mumbled before getting his plate. He had also given me a fork. I dug in immediately, it tasted like heaven. I ate it all within seconds. When Bakugou turned around with his plate he stopped staring at mine.

"What the fuck? Did you eat all of that already?", He asked with a shocked face. I shrugged.

"It was good", I huffed and crossed my arms looking away. I wonder what else he could cook. He scoffed slightly but I noticed a small blush on his cheeks. He took his plate and wandered back to his room, jeez he wasnt going to keep me company.

I brushed it off and got off the stool deciding to explore his apartment. It wasn't big but it wasn't small either. When you first entered you were in the living room, to your right was the kitchen. The living room was quite big. There was a hallway to the left which led to Katsuki's bedroom and a bathroom. On the other side after the kitchen was another hallway, but the door it led to was locked. I'll check that out later.

After I finished exploring I sat back on the couch just before Katsuki came out of his room. Did he always look this pissed? I resisted rolling my eyes as he didnt even glance at me. He walked straight to the kitchen and set his dish in the sink. He then cleared his throat and sighed. "I took a job that I was needed for and you'll be accompanying me", He spoke up.

Oh? What kind of job? "Why?", I asked a bit smugly. Did I really catch his attention that much? He walked over and stood in front of me.

"Because I dont trust you", He stated bluntly. I raised a brow and looked up to him.

"Why not?", I questioned narrowing my eyes. He hesitated, but why?

"How did you even get to the school? Why would a villain want your quirk? You dont even have the symptoms of shock. I dont even know if Y/n is your real name", He started. I quickly cut him off by standing up and getting up in his face.

"The villains took me there, trying to use me as a weapon. My quirk is very strong and I can control is well. And yes Y/n L/n is my real name", I finished. If only I had my ID that was actually accurate. He looked a bit shocked, but his face quickly scrunched up. He didnt look happy.

He pushed me away a bit shaking his head as he went back to his room. What is up with this guy? Why does he have to be such a prick? I sighed and silently headed into the bathroom. Curious I took off the shirt I had on, bandages were wrapped around my chest. I hadn't noticed them before. I poked at the wound silently, I had an okay pain tolerance.

Slowly I took the bandages off. The wound had scabbed over slightly but it was still red and irritated. I winced slightly, did Alyx have to cut me so deep? Alyx was one of my villian colleagues. He had a quirk where he could turn his hands into axes.

I continued to poke my wound until I heard a loud knock on the door. "I have shit to do, would you open up?", Bakugou's voice boomed on the other wide. Annoyed I opened the door quickly grabbing my shirt after I threw the bandages away. Katsuki's face was priceless, it was a bit confused and worried at the same. I shoved him aside as stomped out putting on my shirt.

It stung as the fabric rubbed against it, I flinched once more. It looked like Katsuki was about to say something but he stopped and heading into the bathroom. The door closed with a clicking sound indicating it was locked. I heard the shower start only a few seconds after, I headed back over to the couch and laid down staring at the ceiling.

I could go for another nap.

*Discontinued* Dumbass // Katsuki Bakugou x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now