Chapter 4

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I awoke to complete darkness. As I let my eyes adjust I sat up looking around the room. To my right there was a clock on the wall. It read almost 5:00am. I sighed and scratched the side of my head. I always woke up at the weirdest times, but this did get me the chance to head back to my place. I doubt Bakugou would wake up anytime soon.

Slowly I got up and stretched my bones cracking as I did. That couch isnt the best to sleep on. I groaned softly as I realized I didnt have any money for the bus, guess I'm walking. Then I heard a noise coming from Bakugou's bedroom, raising a brow I silently walked to his door and listened against it.

I didnt hear anything else. Was he up? I grabbed the door knob and turned it quietly opening the door just a smidge so I could see inside. He laid there in his bed fast asleep. He grumbled a bit and turned over scratching his stomach. He didnt look as grumpy in his sleep as he did when he was awake.

I looked over to his night side to see something that peeked my interest. Hearing aids, did he need those? I tip toed over to the nightstand and studied them, why does he have them? Oh..

Since his quirk emits loud sounds that could damage his hearing there's no doubt he needs them. I wonder how bad his hearing is. This could be used to my advantage. Time to test it out.

"Hey. Not gonna lie, your kinda hot", I spoke in my normal tone of voice. I wasnt gonna shout it so the whole world could hear me. He didnt respond, I guess his hearing was kinda bad. I shrugged it off.

I guess he wont hear me leave then. As soon as I went to exit his room an alarm went off on his phone. What was that for? I looked to his phone, "time for school"? What did that mean?

He didnt awake to his alarm. I rolled my eyes. I turned it off. If your going to set an alarm make sure you can hear it dumbass. I looked at his sleeping figure once more. I wish he was always this quiet.

Slowly I pinched his nose together to stop his breathing temporarily to wake him up. It took a few seconds but his eyes suddenly shot open and he grabbed my wrist giving a hell of a confused look.

"Time to wake up, Cyborg", I mutter as I let go of his nose. He gave me a weird look before letting go of my wrist. I then walked out of his room and headed back to the couch.

After a few minutes Bakugou came out of his room with his hearing aids in. How come I didnt notice them before? He was also dressed kind of nice? I guess..

 How come I didnt notice them before? He was also dressed kind of nice? I guess

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(What hes wearing)

He raised a brow as he saw my face. "What?", He scoffed. He was holding a pair of clothes. I rolled my eyes and his respond, damnit I didnt know he cleaned up so nicely.

"Whatever. Anyway put these on", He spoke tossing the clothes at me. I caught them and looked at them, then back up to him. "God. What is it now?", He asked annoyed.

"You really think I'm going to fit into these? I barely fit into this..", I say as I gesture to the clothes he gave me yesterday.

"Just put on the damn clothes", He grumbled as he headed into the kitchen. I sighed but did as he said. I went into the bathroom and shut the door locking it. I then looked into the mirror. Jesus christ I look like a total mess. My hair looked like It hadnt been brushed it ages and my skin was a sickly pale. Must be from loosing all the blood.

I stood there for a few minutes just staring at my reflection. Then it hit me. Swiftly I took off the shirt Bakugou gave me. It hurt as I did. My wound seemed to be getting worse, oh well. As long as it didnt kill me I was fine with it.

I looked to the shirt Bakugou had just given me. It was silk, it was so nice to the touch. Jesus how much does he get paid? It was a red short sleeved button up. Did dressing up have to deal with he job he got? Wait..

Did the job involve the school? Holy shit this is like fucking Christmas. First I get to stay with my target and second I get to infiltrate the enemies lair?

I put on the shirt carefully and then looked to the pants. They were casual black dress pants. I paused.. hold on. I smirked to myself.

I leaned on the door and knocked on it slightly to get Bakugou's attention. "Hey! Bakugou! You got anything to protect the crown jewels? You didnt give me anything at the hospital!", I spoke loudly so he could hear me. There was silence for a few moments. Then I heard grumbling and loud footsteps rush past the door and head into Katsuki's room.

Hearing that sentence would embarrass anybody. Then a loud thump hit the door. Smirk still on my face I opened the door and grabbed the pair of boxers that were noe on the ground. Katsuki was back in the kitchen grumbling to himself.

"Thank you Buddy!", I shouted as I closed the door stifling a laugh. Now that was funny. I slid off the sweatpants and looked to the boxers. I studied them for a second. Hopefully he gave me clean ones, because I'm not smelling them to make sure.

I slipped them on and they almost immediately fell off. My brows furrowed, jesus christ. I wasnt that skinny, but I wasnt fat. I was mainly muscle but I was no way as buff as Katsuki. The dude was atleast 5'11 but I stood at a mere 5'8. I hated it, it made me feel weak.

I sighed as I slipped the pants on as well which almost fell off too. Shit. They barely hung onto my waist. The sweatpants I was able to tie it to wear they would fit.

I grabbed the clothes I had switched out of and sighed. In one hand I held the clothes and with the other I held my pants up. I shoved the clothes under my arm and unlocked the door opening it.

"Okay I'm being serious now. I need a belt", I spoke as I looked for Katsuki. He was eating toast. He looked back at me and glared slightly.

I blankly stared at him. He grumbled as he took another bite and went a got me a belt grabbing the clothes from under my arms. When he came back he handed me the belt and went back to his toast.

I quickly put the belt on tucking my shirt in as I did. "So what is this all for?", I asked as I finished putting on the belt.

"My old teacher got injured in the attack so im doing him a favor and subbing for his class", He answered as he ate more toast. Really..

"And why do I have to come?", I asked a bit annoyed.

"Because I have to keep an eyes on you".

*Discontinued* Dumbass // Katsuki Bakugou x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now