Chapter 5

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Y/n L/n

I groaned loudly as we pulled up into the teacher's parking lot. Katsuki had a pretty nice car. He rolled his eyes and parked the car. "Dont make a fool of yourself".

I tried very hard not to slap him. He got out of the car and so did I. He immediately knew where to go so I just followed behind. So many kids, I didnt despise them but I didnt like them either.

When we got to the classroom kids were already in there and talking. They quieted down as soon as we entered the classroom. Katsuki didnt pay any attention to them and stood at one of those lecture stand things.

I stood by the doorway drawing some kids attention but not all of them. "Attention class. I am your Sub until your former teacher gets better. You will call me GroundZero, I will not accept any other names", He started speaking.

Jesus he was kind of strict. Some of the kids were even looking a little scared. He continued talking about the situation. I sorta blocked it all out, but soon I started to get bored. I raised my hand up slightly and started mimicking him with it. He didnt notice right away, but when kids started paying attention to me and not him he immediately looked my way.

I froze slightly as he glared at me. Suddenly a kid raised their hand drawing attention away from me. "What?", He asked, I could feel him overheating from here. Jeez his fuse was short.

The kid swallowed slightly. "Um.. who's that?", He asked pointing over to me. Katsuki immediately looked back to me.

"A dumbass", He responded. "Anyway I dont know any of your names and I don't plan to. I'm only going to be your teacher for a short amount of time. Until then I will be pushing you to do your hardest. Since it's your first day I'll go a little easy on you", He continued. I didnt pay much attention to the rest until the end.

"Whoever defeats him, gets an A for today", Bakugou snarled pointing at me. What..

"Excuse me?", I finally spoke crossing my arms unimpressed. I'm not some kind of dummy these kids can beat up.

Katsuki shrugged. "Change into your gym uniforms and follow me", He said walking out of the classroom leaving me alone with the demons. I didnt dare stay, I quickly followed behind Bakugou.

"What the hell was that all about?!", I shouted angrily slightly catching up to him. He shrugged again.

"You pissed me off", He grumbled shoving his hands in his pockets. He stopped walking at the locker rooms the kis quickly heading in and getting changed.

"I was just in the hospital!", I yelled again. He shrugged again, that was really pissing me off.

"They're kids. What could they do?", He responded. Why did he seem so relaxed about this? I really wanted to punch him.

Once the class finished changing we headed out to some sort of fake city..

"Excuse me? Groundzero?", One of the kids asked. Bakugou raised a brow.

"This is the city we used for the UA entrance exam correct?", They continued. Katsuki nodded.

"L/n you get a 5 minute headstart. Run or hide do what you want but you cant leave", He looked to me as he started a timer he had in his pocket. He wasnt joking. Shit.

I sprinted off down the street almost immediately and ducked into an alleyway only to enter another one and change onto a different street. I ran until my legs started to hurt. Then I turned onto another street.

It seemed the 5 minutes were up. I heard the class started to search for me. I ducked into another alley way and stayed close to the wall panting. My body was still weak from my wound.

I heard a few kids yelling and then some of them came into few. One of them had a scorpion tail, another had spikes coming put of their arms, and the last one didnt seem to have a quirk that affected their physical appearance. Time to see what these kids could do.

I burst from my hiding place startling the kids. They immediately attacked. The scorpion tail kid was first. I held my ground and activated my quirk, the kid stopped and seemed confused for a second. Then they felt the wave of exhaustion hit them, their legs buckled and they fell to the ground. The kid with spikes was next while the other went to help their classmate.

The kid was close combat so as long as I didnt let them get to close. They threw punches as me left and right but I quickly dodged. When I saw and opening I kicked in their kneecap causing them to collapse. Then I slammed knee into their face sending them backwards with a bloody nose dazing them.

The final kid noticed and quickly got to their feet. They rushed towards me and threw something at me. It was so small I could barely see it. I dodged it nearly by an inch, but when I looked back to the kid they were almost right on top of me. They thrusted their right arm and hit me straight where my wound was.

How in the hell?! Almost completely after a rush of pain went through my entire body. My knees buckled but I stayed standing. I gritted my teeth and elbowed the kid right in the gut as hard as I could. They tripped over their feet falling backwards.

Before they could recover I ran off. I could feel the wound begin the bleed again. Damnit Bakugou.

Then I fucking ran into some other kids. I swore under my breath. They looked a little concerned about my already bleeding chest but I didnt care. I need to find Bakugou and fucking murder him for putting me through this. I met one kids eyes and activated my quirk and they immediately fell unconscious.

The other kids freaked out. I met another kids eyes and did the same. I repeated this until all the kids were finished off. I felt as if my body would give out under me. I was slower than before and my vision was slowly darkening. Shit.

I placed a hand on my wound and looked to it sighing. The bleeding was getting worse. I wouldnt need stitching again but it needs to get bandaged back up.

"Fuck you, Bakuhoe", I grumbled under my breath as I continued to look for Bakugou.

*Discontinued* Dumbass // Katsuki Bakugou x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now