full moon part 2

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POV Stiles
I was looking inside the water. Elle was swimming on the bottom of the pool. I put away the wheelchair and sat down on the ground. Suddenly Elle stopped swimming around and was just swimming at one place. I looked inside her deep purple eyes.

She came to the edge of the pool. "Hey? Why don't you come into the water? The temperature is perfect." Elle said calmly laying her arms crossed on the edge. She tilted her head a bit and smirked. "Yeah, I only swim when water isn't wet" I said sarcastic and smiled at her. She started singing a song. She has the best voice i've ever heard swear. I came closer and closer to her.

Elle grabbed my hand "we're going for a swim" she said and pulled me into the water. I took a deep breath just before she pulled me down. I looked around me. I couldn't see clear and my eyes were hurting because of the water. I swam back up to get some air but before I was above the water, Elle put me back down. And when she did that, air slipped away through my mouth. As fast as I could I swam back up again and took a deep breath. Elle also came up but only with the upper half of her face.

I stared right into her bright purple eyes while she came closer again "okay, Elle? Listen to me. Elle listen to me. It's the full moon. You're not yourself. But it's all going to be alright, okay?" I said "I'm here with you".

"That's the problem, Stiles. You're always around." She said and smirked "ugh and i hate it" she said with a straight face. "You always think you can save everyone, just like Scott. While the only thing you do is bring people in danger" She said and laid her hand on my face "You know Stiles, you really think you're a superhero, while you're more like a super idiot" I grabbed her hand and removed it from my face and she smiled.

"What? You got nothing to say? Oh okay" and she looked sad to the ground for a couple of seconds but then she looked back up and smirked again. "Come on Stiles. Don't be sad. We both know that it's-" "stop!.. Talking" i yelled at her. My arms and legs were hurting from swimming this whole time. "Truth hurts to much huh?" She said with a smile. "Listen Elle- I-" I didn't know what to say.. I just looked at her and swam to the side of the pool to climb out of it. I almost stand completely on the side but suddenly I felt a hand on my ankle. Elle wanted to pull me back into the water but before I knew it I was underwater and landed with my head on the bottom of the swimming pool.

Everything was blurry and I felt dizzy. "Stiles? Stiles are you okay?" I heard a soft voice "oh my god what have I done." It was Elle. She held me and dragged me to the shallow end of the pool. I felt her hand going through my hair "oh no, you're bleeding" my eyes were half closed. "I don't know what to do. Please tell me what to do" she said with a shivering voice. And I felt some tears falling on my face.

"Elle?" I heard someone running in towards the pool. "What happened?" I opened my eyes fully and looked at the red headed girl. It was Lydia. "Elle? Tell me what happened" lydia said with a piercing voice. "I-" and she paused "I did this. It was an accident, I swear. I didn't mean to hurt him, well actually did but full moon and-" there were tears in her eyes "okay. It's okay." I heard lydia saying "We can fix this. Jusr take his hand, and let his pain flude into you" as Elle did what her sister said, I felt the pain go away.

"Elle.. Look outside" I said and the sun was rising. "I think you could better grab that blanket" I said because she could change back into a human any second. Lydia grabbed the blanket for her just in time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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