strange noises

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Elle's pov

I opened my eyes. I felt weak, very weak. My whole body hurt. I heard hard strange noises. I looked around without moving my body. Suddenly, I heard someone yelling my name. Lydia. I tried to raise my head. "Lydia" I tried to speak, but I was to weak. I heard her yelling my name again but then she was gone. What was going on?

The hard strange noises came closer and closer. I tried to turn my head to see who was there. "T-theo?' I said softly and cracky. "Hello Elle" he said and smirked. I tried to held open up my eyes but I was to weak to even stay awake. And eventually I closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes again slowly. I looked around and saw that I was still in the same room, but this time I was laying on a metal table on my belly. "Oh you're back again" a boy said. He was turned with his back to me. When he finally turned his face to me I finally could see him. "W-why are you.." I took a breath "doing this?" I said weak. I moaned a bit cuz of the pain. "Don't worry, it will be over before you know." And he put a needle with some green stuff in it in my arm "now it won't hurt that bad" he said.

Everything was still blury. Those hard strange noises were still here. And again they came closer and closer to me. 3 man were coming near me. They had Mask from metal. And leather doctor's coats. They stood next to me. I felt that they were looking at me. I was too scared to say anything.

After a long time of checking on me, one of them walked to Theo. "needle" the man said with a weird low voice. He sounded like a robot. I was scared but I could move. It was like I was paralyzed. The man came back and made some clicking noises. Suddenly he pulled the needle in my neck. I screamed out of pain but then i closed my eyes and became unconscious.


Sorry, short part ikr
Imma try to make the next part longer ❤


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