06- Heart feels like a song to the mind

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Some people want you to feel. Others want you to think. Some wants to be sure for once, others want to intimidate you. So these people ask questions.

And for Harry, questions are only a curse. He feels things without being asked to, he thinks a lot and sees himself as a good judge without being asked to, he can't be the one to asure you about a fact or ease you and mostly he can't take it if you make him feel guilty for not knowing.

Imagine what effect would questions have on a person like Harry.

They are devastating. So is the test in front of him.

The test of life; a boy, he barely knows as Josh's new boyfriend, just hit his weiner because fate decided that accidents could be that funny.

And now the question is, knowing said fact, when you see that boy on the verge of tears walking back to your table do you behave as a proper friend and ignore the accident to ask him what's wrong and thus avoid both embarassement and confrontation or do you weirdly just avoid eye contact?

As if avoiding eye contact could spare you from the overwhelming guy inside your head who's telling you all about your top 10 awkward moments of the month

Umm, nah, Harry just is a very "look into someone's eye" kinda person. After all, his dad always told him that it's disrespectful to not look him in the eye while talking. And after having the most influential and intimidating person in Harry's life say that to him countless times, it became a part of Harry's personality.

Not even the headmaster makes Harry avoid eye contact. He was thought as rude but obviously it stopped because... well, he's just too goo-y looking and soft and laid-back to be rude.

So here he braces it.

Harry: (voice worried and weird from nervousness, he doesn't feel like he can control the weirdness tho) what's wrong?

Louis: (dismissing) nothing you have to know. (Walks towards josh, gives him a gesture to go somewhere else with his head)

Josh: (obviously follows him, when they got 2 meters away from their table, he whispered softly) hey, do you want a piggyback ride to the back of the school?

Louis: (surprised and doesn't process it) what? (Looks towards Josh) why would I want that?

And the bell rang.

Louis: ( figured that he can't talk with Josh now that it rang and it ripped his last strands of the facade ) I guess you have to go to class...

Down to earth
Keep on falling when you know it hurts

Josh: (carefully holds his shoulder and talks kindly) not until you and I finish talking. Come on, let's go, we have the whole field to cheer you up.

Louis: (swallow his spit, walking forward, apologetic) sorry...

Josh: (thinking pout)... what for? Last time I checked you didn't kill my dog so we're all good.

Louis: (barely smiles) yeah... but sorry for always making you take care of my emotional bagage.

Josh: oh come on Louis! Who wouldn't like to have fun? I'm not taking care of your emotional bagages I'm just enjoying life and making you do the same so it's a win-win really.

Louis: (squints his eyes a bit, thoughtful) you're weirdly so positive all the time, it's...

Josh: (smiles in "here it comes again, the thing that I hate") it's almost fake, I know, many people have already told me. (Shrugs) but what can I say? Life is just that great for me.

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