christian pulisic blurb

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request - pulisic's wife going into labor

Chris was more worried than you were, which was slightly annoying seeing as you were the one who was going to push the whole baby out, he only did the fun stuff.

That's not to say he wasn't there during the whole time, he was. And he was great, but the contractions were getting to your head and you couldn't deal with his constant questions as he drove to the hospital. "How is it baby?" "Are you counting?" "How long was the last one?" "Fuck, did I remember the bag?" "Oh yeah, it's back there."

"Chris, baby," you started through a strained face, "if I'm gonna bring this baby into the world in a hospital, I'm going to need you to focus on getting us there." He nodded, glancing at you quickly to make sure you weren't in too much visible and physical pain.

He pulled into the emergency wing parking lot and put the hazards on before hopping out and running to your door. He walked you into the wing, asking for a wheel chair and nurse immediately, who came rushing out from behind the desk.

A valet was just behind them, smile on his face as he took the keys Christian had thrown at him and a description of the car waiting outside.

"When is your due date?" the second nurse asked, trying to get as much information from the two of you. They pulled up to a maternity ward room and helped you out as Christian answered all of their questions, waiting as they paged your doctor to come down.

He was inside the room, trying tell the doctors and nurses all the information possible. He had calmed down significantly from before, but you hadn't. You had done the opposite.

"You're three centimeters dialated," a nurse said and you groaned, knowing that this would be a long process. Chris immediately left the doctor and stood next to your side, grabbing your hand to give you some comfort.

Six hours later your son was born, and Christian had a hard time getting you to give up the baby boy. He had held him a little, but you had insisted in holding the buddle until exhaustion said you couldn't anymore.

Then it was Christian who refused to give the baby to the nurses, wanting to stare at his son until he couldn't anymore.

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