Calamity pt 4 - Christian Pulisic

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gif by tumblr silvanhefti

YN stood at the door to the Pulisic household, unsure of how to go about this. When they were younger she could just walk into the house, but it had been almost five years since they had really seen her. Would they welcome her back in? What if they hated her because of what Christian told them? What did Christian tell them?

She took a deep breath, ringing the doorbell while she let it out. It only took a couple seconds before the door opened, revealing Mrs. Pulisic, or Kelly as she liked to be called.

"YN!" she cooed, bringing her in for a very tight hug. "It's been too long!" YN smiled in the hug, wrapping her arms around the older woman. She pulled out of the hug, putting her arms on YN's shoulders to stare at her. "Oh, goodness, please come in." She said as she pulled her in for a quick hug again.

YN laughed, hugging her again and accepting the arm around her shoulders as she was ushered in the house. "How is everything here?"

"Everything's good, glad to have Chris home for a little bit before he's off to another US tournament." YN nodded, albeit a little stiffly at the mention of Christian. Sure, they had been talking for the last 24 hours, but things were still awkward. "He's just up in his room, moving some stuff around I assume, you know how he is." YN smiled at the woman, knowing that Christian had found something wrong in his room since the last time he was home.

YN walked up the steps, making her way through the hall to Christian's room. She stood in the doorway, watching as he shuffled through the things in his room. A small smile was on her lips. She knocked on the open door, gathering his attention.

His eyes shot to the door at the sound, immediately landing on his best friend. She wasn't much different than the last time he saw her, hair was lighter than he remembered and a different length, but she still looked like his best friend. He smiled at her, which she returned slowly.

He rolled his eyes and she laughed, leaving her spot at the door to walk closer to him and hug him.

It was a tight hug, one that poured out all the sadness of not being close over the last few years. "God, I missed you," she whispered into his neck, wrapping her arms tighter around his body.

"Me too," he whispered back, rocking their bodies back and forth. They pulled away so they could look at each other's faces. Christian opened his mouth to talk, but YN beat him to it.

"So how about that coffee?" He smiled tightly, something that didn't go unnoticed by YN, but she didn't want to hear him say what she thought he was going to say.

They went to grab coffee and to the park, sitting under a tree as they looked out to the soccer fields. "I'm sorry," Christian finally blurted after sitting in silence. YN didn't look over at him, instead keeping her focus on the grass she had been picked at. "Please, YN, please look at me."

She looked up at him, still not saying anything. "I'm sorry I let Maggie get in the way of us."

She laughed causing Christian to be confused. "Christian, Maggie didn't get in the middle of us. I got in the middle of us. I let my feelings for you ruin our friendship and then just stopped trying to make up for it."

He shook his head no, stopping YN from talking. "I went after Maggie because I," he paused, getting ready to reveal his own life in Europe. "Well, because I gave up on thinking there was any future of us."

"What?" YN questioned.

"Let me talk please, you did all the talking five years ago, it's my turn." YN shut her mouth, ready for his own speech. "Before I left for Dortmund I had a huge crush on you, but as life moved on, I thought nothing would happen between us. I convinced myself I was over you, that I could be just friends with you, but I needed to make it really happen. Maggie came along and she was great, she was like a breath of fresh air. I really did like her."

"Chris, I don't want to hear about you loving this girl and her breaking your heart," YN moaned.

"No," he stopped her from moving away. "That's not what this is, but I want to be honest with you. I did like her, and we stopped talking like we normally did, so she filled what you left." YN looked away from him, feeling very guilty. "But then we came here and you revealed your feelings and then you left. And things were never the same between me and Maggie. It started with me wanting to tell you something that happened in training, but I couldn't. And then when she did something I thought about how you would have done it. How it would have been funnier or dumber but better and she started to notice. And then she broke up with me."

"Five years later?" she questioned.

"She broke up with me three years ago."

"Oh, fuck."

"Yeah, probably would have known if you followed any tabloids," he joked.

"Didn't want to see something that made me sad, like a proposal or something." Christian 'oh'ed.

"I want to make things work between us," he said seriously, grabbing her hands and pulling her to look at him.

"Chris," she said sadly, but he wasn't deterred.

"Seriously, I want to be with you. I missed you so much, you said you missed me. Do you still feel the same as before?"

She looked down at their hands. "You're my first love, Chris, you can't forget that, but-"

"No, buts. Let's go on a date, have things go back to how they were before." She looked up at him, seeing his hopeful face.

"When we were hiding our feelings for each other?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, when we were best friends. But now we can tell each other everything. Please, I still love you." She gulped but nodded, taking her hands away from his and brought them up to his neck, pulling his head down to kiss him lightly on the lips.

"I want dinner at Friendly's with ice cream sundaes on the roof."

"Only the best for you," he smiled, taking her hand and bringing it up to kiss it with his eyes on her.


whelp, we're really here at the end. this came about from an overwhelming amount of feels for christian mate pulisic and you guys all came along for the angsty ride. thank you for coming with me to this happy end. i really appreciate all the love and support that you guys gave me with this

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