What She Didn't Do - Maximillian Philip

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YN didn't do regrets.

She didn't make decisions that she regretted.

At least until the morning, when she woke up in the bed that she had sworn never to return to. She regretted the moments that led up to that, the ones that she couldn't quite put together through her hazy memory.

She remembered going to her friends apartment, watching the last episode of the Bachelor with her while drinking through the shenanigans. She remembered whining about the drama and drinking more. She remembered throwing a fit about Colton not jumping the fence again.

But how did she get drunk enough to make a decision that she would regret in the morning.

"Ugh," YN moaned from her spot on the couch, catching the attention of her best friend who was scrolling through Netflix for something to watch. "I miss making out with boys."

FN rolled her eyes at YN's complaint. "Well, you did break up with Maximilian," FN reminded her with a pointed look.

"Milli," she corrected, adding a sip of wine after that. FN gave her a weird look at that, which YN ignored. "God, he gave the best massages. Ugh, and the way-"

"I'm gonna stop you before you say something I don't want to hear." YN pouted, huffing and looking back at the TV to see what FN had stopped on. "So you regret breaking up with him?" YN hadn't really opened up about why she broke up with Maximillian.

"No," YN answered with a slight slur. "It was the right thing to do. I'm like," she gestured with her fingers to show a very little space between the pointer and thumb, "this sure."

"That's not a lot," FN pointed out.

"Yeah, well. I miss him a shit ton." YN suddenly had an idea, sitting up straight on the couch. "I'm gonna go," she said as she stood up and walked over to the door where her coat and shoes were.

"What?" FN asked, getting up and followed her friend. "What are you doing?"

"I told you, I'm gonna go."

"And do what?"

"Sleep?" YN answered vaguely. Not exactly what she was planning on doing, yet.

"Are you sure, you're pretty tipsy," FN pointed out as YN struggled pulling on her sneakers.

"Yeah, I'll call an UBER." YN gave her friend a reassuring smile before pulling on her coat and leaving the apartment, opening the UBER app and typing in the familiar address.

It was only a minute wait before her car pulled up and she got in. She confirmed the address with the driver, a feeling of giddy excitement bubbling up in her stomach. Or maybe it was just the wine.

They pulled up to the fancier apartment building, the doorman still standing there as it wasn't too late at night.

YN got out of the car with a parting thank you to the driver. She walked over to the doorman, sending him a friendly smile. "I haven't seen you in a while, Ms. LN," he said to her with a kind smile.

There was a small bubble of guilt in her gut as she shrugged to him. "Sorry I haven't been around as much."

"It's okay, Ms. LN. It was good to see you." He let her in the door and YN went to the elevators, pushing the up button.

The doors opened quickly and she walked in, pushing the number 5 and waiting for the doors to close before they went up.

They shut slowly, almost taunting a sober YN who was screaming inside her head, knowing that she would regret this in the morning.

No you won't, said a little voice in her head. It seemed her normal conscious took a break and gave her a replacement that wasn't used to the job.

The doors opened to the fifth floor and YN walked the same route to the black door of Maximilian Philipp's apartment. She knocked on the door, starting to feel the nerves that the alcohol had suppressed.

"Oh fuck," she whispered when she really thought about where she was. "Oh, no. Oh no, no, no," she repeated. Eyes widening at the door. "Oh fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck, fuck." She was about to turn around and run away when the door opened and Milli stared at her.

YN groaned, rolling over in the bed to look at the nightstand where a glass of water and some aspirin stood. She rolled her eyes at the water but took it anyway, drinking it quickly to get rid of the dryness in her mouth. She ignored the aspirin, not thinking she needed it.

Suddenly the door opened and Milli entered in his pajamas, which meant joggers and no shirt. She stared at him, wishing that she could disappear. Go back in time and take back the night of drinking and watching the Bachelor.

"Uh," he said, staring at her with a weird look in his eyes. "I just came to grab a shirt." YN nodded as he gestured to his dresser, where he had plenty of t-shirts. He walked over and grabbed one in the middle drawer, pulling it on while YN stared at his back.

"Do you want breakfast?" he asked, turning around to look at her. She didn't answer, still staring at him with an open mouth. He smiled awkwardly, walking back over to the door. "C'mon, I'll make you some eggs."

She nodded silently, following him down the hallway to his kitchen and living area. "You don't have training?" she asked him. Her first words to him were, 'you don't have training?' add that to the growing list of things she regretted.

"No," he answered. "We had a game last night and I actually just got home right before you showed up." She nodded, finally taking notice of the bag next to his door.

"How'd you do?" she asked him with a timid smile, sliding onto the stool of the island.

"We tied," he answered.

"Did you play?" she continued, trying to make this less awkward.

"Only thirty minutes," he grumbled. YN gulped, watching as he opened the fridge to grab the eggs. He still wasn't getting the time that he wanted and she didn't know what to say.

Thankfully, he changed the subject. Though it wasn't much better.

"Why'd you come?" he asked, turning around to face her after having broken the eggs to beat them in a bowl.

"I'm not really sure," she answered truthfully. "I was with FN last night watching the Bachelor and we got a little drunk and I just decided I wanted to come here. So I did. I'm sorry about barging in on you like this."

"It's fine," he shrugged it off, turning around so that he could grab the frying pan and start cooking the eggs.

"It's not," YN insisted. "I broke up with you, I don't really have the right to come crawling back to you like this."

"This is you crawling back to me?" he questioned, turning around to look at her.

Her response died in her throat as she looked him in the eyes. "I'm sorry," she whispered, looking down at her hands on the counter. "I should probably just go," she got up from the stool, ready to go without any of her stuff.

"No, please don't." YN turned around this time, looking at Milli's pleading eyes. "I've missed you."

"I missed you, too," YN told him. She saw the slight smile on his lips before he hid it again. "The Bachelor isn't the same without you," she laughed weakly, hating that her voice broke in an attempt to keep the tears at bay.

"Nothing feels right without you," he responded, stepping towards her. "I feel like I'm walking through mud."

She nodded, this time a few tears slipping out of her eyes. She wiped them away quickly, Milli stepping up so that he was right in front of her, less than a foot of space between them. "I'm so sorry," she whispered as she stepped closer, lessening the gap between them. "I don't regret much, but I do regret breaking up with you."

wc: 1.4k

tbh i wrote this in like an hour because i couldn't leave it, it's also not editted so it's just raw shit from my brain. this feels like such a milli imagine, i don't think i could have written with anyone else in mind

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