Before #7

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Everything was one big blur.

She tried blinking the blurry sheen out of her eyes, but even the act of blinking was slow and groggy.

Her hearing slowly returned to her alongside her sense of touch. The more the seconds ticked by, the more grounded she felt to her body. She was now fully aware of the rope binding her hands behind her back and her feet to either leg of the chair she was perched on. Her breathing was shallow and everything was dark. She could barely see her shoes.

The clicking of heels drew nearer as she fully regained consciousness. When it came to a stop directly in front of her, she lifted her throbbing head off of her chest. She could barely make out two silhouetted figures in the darkness through her blurred vision.

She knows too much.

We need to get rid of her.

Keeping her alive isn't a risk I'm willing to take.

Those were the last words that she heard before metal screching against metal drowned out the voices. A large door opened, bringing in a strong gust of wind that never seemed to end.

She felt herself being untied from the chair and tossed over a bony shoulder. The further away she was carried from the chair, the harder the wind seemed to push against her.

She was too weak to stand on her own feet, let alone try to resist them. She wished she were strong enough to fight them off--to keep her promise to him. But now she was perched on the edge of a very long fall with no energy left in her to even lift a finger against them.

Say hello to Sebastian for me.

It didn't even take one hard shove off the plane to send her falling.

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