Galra! Shiro~2

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Shiro curled up into a ball, panting and whining both out of physical and emotional pain. He didn't mean to yell at Keith like that but he was close to loosing control because Keith was so close to him and he smelled so good. Ulaz came to shiros room and saw a shaking Keith standing there shocked and scared. He quickly ran up to him and searched him for any physical harm. "What happened?" He asked anxiously. Keith swallowed a bit "I-I don't know..I kissed his ear and he snapped and yelled at me.."he said nervously. Ulaz sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose out of annoyance. "Keith. Let me tell you something about an alphas rut. If you TOUCH an alpha anywhere especially close to their EARS or TAIL that will drive them insane. And for Shiro..Keith I told you to stay away from his room and you disobeyed me." Ulaz said sternly, disappointed in Keith for not listening. "The reason why he snapped and yelled at you is because he didn't want to hurt you. Shiros rut is more difficult then some of the alphas here to get through because he doesn't have a mate anymore and he doesn't want ANYONE including you or anything touching him. A slight touch to him can cause a lot of trouble for you" Ulaz said "now get your ass back to the conference room, meetings about to start" Ulaz said and Keith quickly got his ass to the conference room. He saw some omegas and alphas already at the table. Kolvian was sitting down in his chair with Antok asleep on his chest. He was rocking him slightly to keep him calm and asleep. Keith sighed softly and sat down in the far back, feeling bad that he done something Shiro didn't like or didn't want.

Ulaz walked into shiros room with a mask on and he rubbed his back soothingly. "Papa..." Shiro whined, sniffling and shaking. Ulaz frowned and sighed softly "I know I haven't done this in a while but..why don't you come stay with me and your father at our apartment on the sixth floor for a few weeks?"He asked. Shiro nodded "okay..take a scent blocker so omegas won't come crawling in" he said softly as he handed him a strong dose of medication. Shiro leaned up and swallowed the pill dry and panted slightly. Ulaz looked through shiros clothes and found a loose pair of boxers and a loose pair of sweatpants and he helped him dress himself. He then grabbed a t-shirt and put it on him. He helped him up to his feet and walked him to the elevator and helped him in. He pressed the 6th button and the elevator doors closed and started going up. Shiro sighed softly "you know..I think Keith might like you.." Ulaz said with a small smile. Shiros ears lifted slightly "I doubt ones going to want an alpha that yells at them.."he said quietly as his ears dropped back down. "That was his own dumbass fault" Ulaz huffed "dad-.."Shiro went to say on Keith's defense "No. he shouldn't have even been around you. If he would've actually listened to me and stayed put then you wouldn't be this hurt." Ulaz said sternly "I'm fine-" Shiro started again "since when takashi? When was the last time you smiled, like actually smiled out of joy? When you were with Adam right?" He asked "dad!" Shiro whined loudly "No and Adam separated years ago baby... and your still blaming yourself for his abusive ways..he used to cut you and scream at you because of something he did then he blamed it on are you not angry with him..why do you still think of him when he hurt you.." Ulaz said softly. Shiro swallowed a bit and took a deep breath "because..I loved him, dad..I loved him so much even after he hurt me I still loved him..I still love him.."he said, his ears flat to his head and a pained expression on his face. Ulaz frowned and sighed softly "your going to haft to let him go you see what holding on is doing to's hurting you more then you can handle.."he said softly and hugged Shiro tight. Shiro sniffled and whined as he laid his head on ulazs shoulder. "You need to let go baby.."he said soflgt as he rubbed shiros back. They soon arrived to the sixth floor and walked out of the elevator and walked to the apartment. They walked in and Shiro walked to his room and laid down in his bed. Ulaz walked in behind him and tucked him in and kissed his head "goodnight my son..I'll have some hot soup and some medicine when you wake up.."he said softly and left shiros room after turning on his fan and handing him some extra pillows in case he felt uncomfortable. Shiro felt hot tears stream down his cheeks and he pulled some of the pillows close, cuddling them and sniffling. He soon cried himself to sleep. Loosing a mate wasn't took many years to get over if not expressed properly and ulaz is the only person Shiro has actually expressed any negative emotion to or shown.

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