Forbidden love⚔️❣️

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Keith is the son of god and shiro is the son of Lucifer both soon to take their fathers throne. But will their fate change when they find love in each other? Will the war between demons and angels end? Or will it get worse?

"Father...what was mother like?" Keith asked as he sat In front of him with his beautiful white wings covering him up a little. "She was beautiful, she had gorgeous wings that shined brighter than any star in the sky. She loved you Keith, she loved you so dearly son. Since your 18 it's about time you know what happened to your mother...when you were just a little baby, there was a terrible and vicious war between angels and demons. I told your mother to take you and herself down to earth and live there until the war was over. But...sadly on your way to earth Lucifer's right hand man got to her before I the time I got to y'all she...she was dead and you were safe and sound. Her wings were turning black and they were rotting and falling off her were cradled in her cold arms, crying and screaming and I picked you up and sat back and cried. I loved her, I still do and I hope that there will never be another war I wouldn't live if I lost you too son." Keiths father said. Keith sat there crying. "I miss mother..." Keith whispered out as he wiped his eyes. "So do I Keith, so do I.." his father said as he hugged Keith close and patted his back. "You know Keith your going to be king need to find a wife. There will be a ball tomorrow night to find your wife." His father said. "Please father...can't I wait to take over the kingdom, I'm not ready to be tied down to running the village AND kingdom. I want more years to be free" Keith complained. "No sir, you are going to find a wife tomorrow night than you will become king the day after the wedding. Understand?" His father said. "Yes sir I understand....Can I go out to the garden please? The private one?" Keith asked. His father sighed and nodded. Keith smiled softly and opened his wings and flew to the garden. After Keith flew to the gardens his father ordered a notification to be let out of the ball tomorrow night. His assistant did as he asked and spreaded the heaven and hell.

"Mistress go grab my son and bring him forth....I have a mission for him." Lucifer said. "Yes my lord.." his mistress said. "Takashi...your father calls for you." She said as she walked into the training room. Shiro stood tall with sweat going down his body, his perfectly structured muscles flexing as he held the sword beside him as he breathed roughly because of training so much. He nodded and walked to the great hall. "Yes father?" Shiro asked as he bowed down on his knees than got back up. "Gods son is having a ball tomorrow to find him a wife...ruin it for me and kill the son. Either kill him or kidnap him and bring him here so I can torture him and rip apart his angelic wings." Lucifer said as he got off his throne of skulls and thorns. "Do that for me and hell is yours, do you understand me Shiro?" He asked as he got in front of Shiro. "Yes sir I understand." Shiro responded as he stood tall." go get dressed and I will send you to heaven..get that boy." Lucifer said. Shiro changed his eye color from red to a soft blue and used a disappearing spell on his horns and tail. " father..when will I get my wings? I want mine to be like yours." Shiro said as he faked bruises and cuts all over his body and changed his dark and black outfit to ripped rags to make it seem like he was attacked. "You will get your wings when your power is released. It will take a deep anger and love to bring them out." He said as he snapped his fingers and placed Shiro in the gardens where Keith was. "Grab his attention...act hurt takashi...I'm counting on you." Lucifer whispered into shiros ear. Shiro nodded and started acting hurt as he walked out of the bushes. " please! The demons...they got me..." Shiro yelled out as he covered his stomach and fells to his knees with wounds and cut marks everywhere. Keith flew over to him and kneeled down to examine shiros body. Keith saw his wounds and grabbed him in his arms and flew him inside. "Father! Help!" Keith yelled as he flew Shiro inside. Keith's father stepped off of his throne and looked at Keith. "You can do this yourself son, okay? Just be easy." He said. Keith nodded and laid Shiro down and lifted his shirt to heal the wound. Shiro opened his eyes and saw what Keith looked like. "Woah...he's no Shiro stay on the mission. I haft to kill him not love him...but he's so pretty, with his violet eyes and his long black hair falling off his shoulder ever so lightly..damnit back to the mission." Shiro thought as he felt a warm hand cover his wounds. Keith put all his power into healing Shiro. Once he was done he sat back and breathed roughly. "Still weak on power I see...I'll see what I can do. You did good though, good job my son." His father said as he patted Keith's shoulder. "Thank you father." Keith said as he gave a tired smile. When Keith smiled Shiro fell in love...there was nothing that could change it. "Are you okay now? Are you hurting anywhere?" Keith asked as he helped Shiro to his feet. "No...I'm not...let me introduce myself I'm takashi, the son of sat- the son of a villager. Sorry to waste your time your highness I must get back to the village..."Shiro said as he bowed to Keith. "U-Um please don't not a king yet. You can't leave were just attacked by those vicious demons...ugh such a disgrace to this universe, thinking that they kill and  hunt whoever they want. My father should've killed Lucifer when he had the chance all those years I hear Lucifer has an offspring...he must be a monster of a kind, probably torturing his friends and servants or worse...killing them.." Keith said as he replaced shiros rags with something richer. Shiros eyes started turning a dark red from what Keith said. "Are you alright takashi? Your eyes are turning red." Keith said as he got close and cupped shiros cheek. Shiros eyes lightened and he stared into Keith's soul. "His soul is pure...he's kinda right about demons being vicious, my own father cut me when I was just a little boy, telling me to be tough even when I'm being cut." Shiro thought as he leaned into Keith's palm. "His skin is soft and welcoming...if I keep this up than i'll be executed by father..." he thought as he gave Keith a seductive smile. Keith blushed and snatched his arm away and turned his back to Shiro. "S-sorry takashi..." Keith said as he was getting ready to go to his room. "Wait! Please Keith!" Shiro yelled out as he got to his feet and acted like he was in pain. Keith dropped to his feet And ran over to Shiro and held onto him right and flew both of them to his room. They were in his room and Keith put away his wings by tucking them to his back. Shiro sat down on the bed and Keith sat beside him. "I heard your having a ball tomorrow night to find you a wife, are you excited for it?" Shiro asked. "No...I mean like I should be ready but I'm just not into women...if my father were to ever find out than I would be casted out of heaven and sent to earth...alone" Keith said sadly. Shiro felt a small amount of sorrow for Keith but he instantly pushed the feelings aside. "Honestly I'd like to go with someone like you takashi...strong, very handsome and well built. Than I'd be happy to go, but I can't." Keith said as he wrapped his wings around himself. Shiro smiled and looked down. "Maybe I can go with you and just stay by your side at the throne. I'm sure your father wouldn't mind." Shiro requested as he took keiths hand in his. Keith held onto shiros hand tight and leaned against him. "Hopefully.." Keith whispered out. Shiro rubbed his thumb over the top of Keith's hand. "He's sad...stressed and desperate to leave.."Shiro thought. Keith opened his wings and wrapped them around the both of them. Shiro lifted Keith's head to meet with his. Keith blushed and looked at shiros lips than back to his eyes. Shiro got the idea and leaned in and kissed Keith softly. Keith's heart fluttered with excitement and happiness as he kissed Shiro back. Shiro broke the kiss and cuddled Keith close. Keith blushed and smiled in content. Keith placed his hand on shiros thigh rubbing it up and down with no sexual intentions. Shiro smiled and felt pain on his back. "Oww what the hell is that?"Shiro thought. "Forgive me Keith but I must go back home to my family, I will meet you at the ball, my king." Shiro said as he gave Keith a goodbye kiss. "Goodbye.." Keith said softly. Shiro made his way out of the castle into the gardens. "Father, bring me home."Shiro thought as he closed his eyes. When shiro opened his eyes he was home. "So my son, are you going to the ball tomorrow night with the prince?" Lucifer asked as he looked at shiro with his deep red eyes. "Yes sir..." Shiro responded. "Capture him tomorrow and bring him here...I will would like to torture him and cut off his wings." Lucifer laughed out as he gave a evil smile. Shiro ignored him and changed into his regular clothes and went to his bedroom. He laid on his bed and grabbed a crystal ball and watched over Keith.

 Smutty Shiro X Keith Oneshots♡Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ