the war is over part 2

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So this is a long chapter and it took forever to write...sorry for the long wait.
As shiro sat out on the porch, staring up at the midnight sky he yawned lightly. Keith walked out and sat beside him and leaned his head on shiros shoulder. "Still mad at me?" Shiro asked as he leaned his head on keiths. "No, but next time be patient please." Keith as he leaned into shiro. "Im tired. " shiro said sleepily. "Shiro..."Keith said as he looked down. "Hmm?" Shiro hummed "you have a boner."keith said as he looked at shiro. "Hm yes well i was to get off when things were getting heated but you left me with blue balls. "Shiro said as he giggled a little. "Alright alright, don't blame me now." Keith said as he let out a soft laugh. "C'mon let me take care of you." Keith said with an seductive smirk as he got up and led shiro to the couch and pushed him down. "K-keith i can get off on my own you dont-" shiro was cut off by a pair of honey sweet lips meeting his own. Keith kissed shiro softly as he palmed shiro through his sweats. "Haa...f*ck." Shiro panted out as he leaned his head back and bit his lip. Keith kissed shiros neck lightly and trailed down to his member, keith pulled down shiros sweatpants and licked the base up to the tip. Shiro placed his hand on keiths head and started to play with his hair. "Hmm...that feels nice." Keith hummed as he pumped shiros member. As shiro continued to play with keiths hair, keith bobbed on the tip making shiros hips jerk up causing his member to go deep in keiths throat. Keith coughed and looked at shiro with 50 shades of lust clouding his eyes. "S-sorry." Shiro panted out as he looked at keith. Keith smirked and started to deepthroat shiro while palming himself. "Ahh! Keith" shiro moaned out of surprise when he felt a hot, wet throat engulf almost all of him. "D-do that again and i won't last much longer." Shiro said as he started playing with keiths hair again. Keith watched shiros every move to tell him what feels good and what doesn't. "Ahh...oh god" keith moaned on shiros member while he jerked himself off. "Keith..Agh..i-im close." Shiro said as his breathing started to speed up. Keith deepthroated shiro again while he twisted his own tip lightly, causing keith to breath roughly Against shiros member. Keith had reached his peek with shiros member in his mouth. "Keith im about too..." shiro said as he tried to move away from keiths mouth, to keep him 'clean' keiths strong grip on shiros legs kept him from going anywhere while he twirled his tongue around shiros tip. "Keith im cumming...!!" Shiro moaned out as waves of pleasure started to make shiro shift around while he became a panting and moaning mess. As shiro came down from his strong orgasm he closed his eyes and panted softly. "Mm you taste amazing." Keith said teasingly as he licked his lip. "Don't say stuff like that..its embarrassing." Shiro said as he looked at keith with red cheeks. "Why...its fun to see your reaction." Keith said as he kissed shiros forehead and sat on his lap to cuddle him. "Im tired...lets go to bed." Shiro said as he kissed keiths cheek. "Okay...carry me" keith said sleepily as he wrapped his arms around shiros neck. "Up we go." Shiro said as he carried keith up to their bedroom and layed him on the bed. Keith almost instantly went to sleep as soo as he got comfortable. "Goodnight keith." Shiro said as he planted a soft kiss on keiths neck before spooning him. Keith turned to face shiro and cuddled into him....*achoo* keith sneezed and stayed cuddled into shiro. Shiro fell asleep while holding keith close.

12:39 Am

Bzz Bzz Bzz Bzz.
Shiro opened his eyes and sleepily opened his phone to see pidge calling.

Shiro: "Hey pidge *yawn* whats up?"
Pidge:"Shiro, we have a problem."
Shiro: "what? Whats going on?
Pidge: "go look outside at the sky, hurry!"
Shiro: "ok ok im going." Shiro walked outside and looked in the sky.
Shiro: "what the hell is that?"
Pidge: "its a galran ship...shiro we need to get ready for war if there is too be scared..what if this is going to be like zarkon.."
Shiro: "pidge calm down ok, zarkon is dead and so is lotor so i doubt that its anything harmful..i hope. Just contact allura and coran and tell them about this ok? Im going back to bed goodnight pidge."
Pidge: "Okay i will, I'll tell you tomorrow what they say. Goodnight."
Shiro turned around to walk back to the house but keith was standing right behind him.."jesus christ keith, you scared me" shiro exclaimed as he looked at keith. "Shiro i don't feel good." Keith said as he rubbed his eye sleepily and shivered at the midnight fall winds. "Lets get you back into bed." Shiro said as he picked up keith bridal style and made their back into the house and went to their bedroom. As shiro layed keith down. Keith started to cough lightly. "You ok?" Shiro asked he cuddled keith and pulled the blanket over keiths shoulder and wrapped his srms around his waist. Shiro didnt get an answer back because keith went to sleep.

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