Stay in the game 🏈❣️

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"Hey babe, good morning." Shiro said as he met up with his boyfriend before the first class of the day. Keith jumped a little and looked at shiro. "Damnit takashi, you scared me." Keith said as he closed his locker and held shiros hand. Shiro smiled and kissed Keith as an apology. "Aw I'm sorry babe, are you excited for the game tonight?" Shiro asked with joy and excitement. "No, I don't feel like sitting out in the cold for 2 plus hours watching my perfect boyfriend play the best he can." Keith said as he smiled and walked with shiro to their first period. "Well I'm just glad that you'll be there with me babe. Look how about after school ends you and me go to the diner you love and eat before I haft to get warmed up and dressed for the football game deal? My treat." Shiro said as he wrapped his arm around Keith's waist, holding him close. Keith smiled and leaned into him a little. "Deal" Keith said softly as he greeted the teacher and got in a seat and got ready for their first class to start. Shiro sat beside Keith and got bored so he started drawing in his note book. "Pay attention." Keith whispered to Shiro as he gently pressed shiros hand that had a pencil in it down. Shiro groaned and laid his head down on the table. Keith rubbed shiros inner thigh, squeezing it lightly. "Pay attention or no treat after your game." Keith whispered as he licked shiros earlobe a little. Shiros head shot straight up and he started paying attention. "Thank you baby." Keith said softly as he smiled and zoned back into the lesson.

Class soon ended and Keith walked outside to his car and Shiro walked with him. Shiro pushed him into the side of the car lightly and kissed him deeply. Keith moaned softly into the kiss. "Mmm...takashi Baby, treat after your game not before." Keith said as he pressed his hands on shiros shoulder to keep him from going any further. Shiro whined and sighed. "Fine...I love you baby." Shiro said as he kissed Keith and held him close. Keith smiled and hugged him back.

They finished the day of school and Keith and Shiro walked to shiros truck and got in. "Turn on the heat babe, I'm freezing." Keith said as he shivered and crossed his arms. Shiro took off his football jacket and handed it to Keith. "Here, put it on." Shiro said as he switched on the truck. Keith blushed and put on shiros jacket than scooted over and leaned his head on shiros shoulder. "Ready my love?" Shiro asked. Keith nodded and Shiro drove out of the school parking lot and to the diner.

They Arrived at the diner and walked in. Keith smiled and grabbed shiros hand as they were lead to their seat and they sat down. Keith ordered a peppermint tea along with a bowl of soup and a side of bread. Shiro ordered a water and a burger with fries. "You know babe you could've ordered something different if you wanted too, I am buying." Shiro said as he took a sip of his water. Keith shrugged and looked into shiros eyes. "Ehh I didn't really want anything else's to be honest" Keith said as he took shiros hand in his. Shiro smiled and kissed Keith's small cold hands. Their food came out and Keith took a sip of his tea and Smiled. Shiro laughed a little and started eating. Keith started eating as well. "Holy shit this is delicious." Keith said as he took another bite. "Babe you act like you didn't eat anything yesterday." Shiro said as he looked at Keith. "That's cause I didn't." Keith said as he took a couple of more sips from his tea and continued eating. "What do you mean you didn't? Keith we talked about this baby, your body is perfect just the way it is." Shiro said as he looked at Keith with a soft expression. "No I'm not starving myself again, I got so caught up with planning my film and worrying about school and college I just didn't really feel hungry? Nor did I ever think to remind myself to eat." Keith said as he drank the rest of his tea and ordered a to-go cup of it. "I hope your not lying Keith." Shiro said as he continued eating. "I'm not babe, I promise." Keith said as he continued eating as well.

They both finished eating and were just sitting there chatting about school, work, football just random stuff basically. "So what team are y'all playing today?" Keith asked as he sipped on his tea. "The galra dogs I do believe." Shiro responded. "The team that literally almost killed Matt and lance just within a few minutes into the game?" Keith asked. Shiro nodded. "Be Safe when you play tonight please babe? I don't need my boyfriend getting hurt." Keith said as he frowned a little. Shiro laughed a little at Keith's cuteness. "Don't worry babe, I won't I promise." Shiro said as he smiled.

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