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Liana's POV:

"I'd like to leave now." I say, standing up.

"Alright I understand that. Many people are overwhelmed with the responsibilities that come with being a Luna." Mira replies quickly.

It's not the Luna thing. She basically just told me I was already being hunted. And I have a possibility of dying.

"The sun is down. You may want to call your Alpha, he may be worried."

"I think I'll be fine."

I leave the cottage quickly. Walking in the cool air of the night is calming my mind. Breathing deeply I can smell the trees once more. Oak, maple, pine. Another scent fills my mind before I can process what it is.


I give him a small smile, "Hi Grayson."

"You have a keen sense of smell. Has it always been like that?"

"Yes. I like smells. I could distinguish quite a few very quickly."

"Ethan's looking for you."

I suck in a deep breath. I knew he would send Grayson to find me.

"I'm on my way back now. Would you want to walk me there?"

"Of course."

We walk into the house laughing our asses off. Grayson is telling me about the first time he phased into his wolf and when he phased back into his human form he was naked and in front of his parents. He was 14.

"You seem to be having fun."

I look towards Ethan still giggling. Once he spoke Grayson had stopped laughing immediately. He bows his head toward Ethan muttering a greeting to the alpha. Ethan glares at him before growling slightly. Gray meets his eyes quickly, a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Ethan I-I wou-would n-never." Grayson stuttered, staring into Ethan's eyes.

Am I the only one who has no idea what's going on?

"Get out." Ethan growls again.

My eyes widen as I look between the two. What the heck is going on?

"Ethan he-"

"Shut up. Grayson I said get out!"

"Of course Alpha."

Grayson walks out looking like a kicked puppy. I wanted to hug him goodbye but I wasn't sure that was such a good idea at the time. I push past Ethan and walk upstairs.

"Liana get down here."

"No! You just threw Grayson out for no reason! I thought you guys were friends."

"You don't know the vile things he was feeling towards you."

I throw open the bedroom door and walk in, dropping my jacket by the bed.

"Ethan," I say, sighing deeply, "I'm your mate. I chose to stay for you. You're making me rethink my decision."

"You can't honestly believe you're going to run this relationship. I'm the Alpha. You're supposed to bow to me!" He yelled in my face.

Mira didn't tell me how to calm an alpha. I wasn't going to be treated like this though. His voice turned hard and cold. He was using his Alpha voice on me.

"Don't use your alpha voice on me. I'm not one of your puppies, so don't you dare treat me like one."

His face softens, "Liana I'm sorry I-"

"Get out Ethan. I don't want to look at you right now."

I yank off my boots and throw them into the closet. A shower would really help me right now.

Ethan's POV:

I close the door behind me as I walk out of the room. I used my alpha voice on her. My wolf sensed that she was trying to assert her dominance and I couldn't let her. The Luna is not superior to the Alpha. Speaking of her being MY Luna, I need to talk to Grayson. He smelt like curiosity and arousal. She's my mate, not his. He needed to be put in his place. I make my way to his house about a half mile away from mine. He opens the door before I get there.

"Hey E."

"We need to talk Gray."

"I don't have a crush on your mate E. It was a misunderstanding."

"It better have been because if it happens again I will not only growl at you, but I will rip you apart limb by limb."

"Ethan stop being ridiculous. You met this girl yesterday."

"She's the love of my life. You hear that? MY life not yours. She's MY mate. You may not think that what you're doing is wrong, but I can assure you if you get any closer to my Luna there will be consequences."

"Yes Alpha."

I hated using my alpha voice on anyone, especially my best friend. But Liana is my mate. She doesn't need Grayson confusing her.

"Now that that's cleared up. I'd like you to stay away from her for a while."

"Ethan you know I can't do that! She's my friend and-"

"You will stay away from her." I dropped my voice and stared at him with a hard glare.

"Of course Alpha." He sneered baring his teeth.

"I expect to fight you at training tomorrow. You can get out any anger you may have towards me there."

"Trust me, I will."

I glare at him once more before leaving back towards the house. I had noticed I was only gone for about 15 minutes. When I opened the door, the smell of vanilla and maple was strong. Also the scent of loneliness. I open my bedroom door to see Liana lying on the bed facing the window.

"You're sleeping downstairs right?" She asks without turning around.

"How did you-"

"Doesn't matter. Are you or aren't you?"

"I am."

"Then get your stuff, and get out."

She was still upset with me. I could sense her anger but also her guilt. She wanted me to lay with her but she's too upset with me to admit it.

"Of course."

I grabbed a blanket and a few pillows out of my closet before walking over to her. I leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. 

"Goodnight Li."

I made my way out and situated myself on the couch. This is going to be the longest month of my life.

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