t h r e e

211 7 15

Liana's POV:
As we walked out into the vast field of training men, women, and children, they all turned to stare at us. Some were whispering to one another. I couldn't hear what they were saying however Ethan did.

"Hey," he shouted, "Shut up! No one cares what you have to say! And I would never!" he growls at the end.

I looked at his face. His once beautiful hazel eyes turned to a dark brown. A scowl prominent on his face. The people all quiet immediately although a few mutters of 'sorry alpha' could be heard. His eyes stay dark. I reach up and turn him to face me. His eyes immediately soften as he looks down at me.

"You don't have to yell at them." I say lightly, not wanting to make him angry.

"Trust me if you heard the things they were saying you'd yell too."

"What did they say?"

He sighs deeply, "They were wondering how long it'd take until I refused you. Until my-"

He stopped, seeming to be struggling with the next words that were about to leave his mouth. Looking away from me, he finished.

"Until my wolf kills you."

I gasp. I thought that the mate thing- I thought he wouldn't be able to kill me. I thought his wolf loved me. If his wolf didn't want me then why was I here?

"Your wolf doesn't want me?" I mumble, knowing he'll hear me anyway.

"He does. He wants you more than anything."

We continue walking in silence. What does his wolf look like? I knew what werewolves looked like in movies but there was no way that's what real wolves were. Ethan walked up ahead of me as we were now walking through the woods. Turning around every so often to make sure I was still behind him, I'd catch a glimpse at his eyes. They were now back to the hazel I've grown to like. I feel like I could spend all day looking into his eyes. Not noticing that Ethan had stopped, I continued walking only to bump into a hard surface.

"Ow." I rub my nose as I look at his back.

Moving to his side I see a clearing of beautiful flowers. Wildflowers flashed through my mind as I now walked into the field. Turning around I smiled at Ethan who stayed where he stood. I walk up to him grabbing his hand and pulling him into the field with me. I fall down and lay on a bunch of violets. Ethan stands above me with a look of confusion on his face. I pat the spot  beside me and he quickly lays down. Turning over to lay on my stomach I place my arms out in front of me and cross them, letting my chin rest just by my elbow. I look at Ethan. His eyes closed, his chest rising and falling with his soft breaths. He looks at peace. I find myself staring at his beauty. His jawline is sharp, his nose is perfectly shaped, and his lips are full. Here I am, lying in front of this gorgeous man and not doing anything about it. I believe, with no doubt in my mind, he's more attractive than Aaron.

Looking back up towards his eyes I find him looking at me as well. He's looking at me with such curiosity. Before I can register what I'm doing, I find myself moving closer to him. He sits up and moves closer also. His eyes glance down towards my lips and I let out a shaky breath. He's leaning in and closing his eyes. Before I can stop myself I begin speaking.

"Can I see him?" I blurt out.

He stops moving altogether. I don't move my face away. He lets out a deep breath, the warmth fanning my face. He smells so good. I close my eyes and breath in.

"Who? Who do you want to see?"

I open my eyes to see he hasn't moved either. He's looking right into my eyes. His eyes are a deep chocolate brown.

"Y-your w-wolf."

He frowns, "I really don't think-"

"Please. Please let me. I won't get scared." I beg.

I don't know what prompted me to beg him.

"Okay," he stands, "you might want to turn around." he blushed.


"I have to get naked."

"Oh! Of course. I'm sorry." I turn around blushing.

"This may sound bad. But I promise you I'm alright."

I stay turned until I hear cracking. My face scrunches up as I can only imagine the pain. I feel a soft lick on my cheek. Opening my eyes I see him. My eyes widen at his beauty. His eyes look into mine as I reach up and rub behind his ear. He lets out a soft purr, letting me know that he likes it. His fur is the darkest black. He nuzzles into my hand. I let out a soft laugh as he looks at me. Ethan lays down in the grass by my legs and rolls on his back. His tongue flops out of his mouth.

"You want me to rub your belly?" I say, as if I'm talking to a dog.

He looks at me and whines. I laugh and run my hands through the fur on his belly. I sigh sitting back down after petting him for five minutes. He gets up and lays his head in my lap. I look down at him with sad eyes. He whines and looks up at me. He gets up and sniffs my face. I give him a sad smile. He's not mine. No matter how much I want him to be I'm still with Aaron. I have to break up with Aaron before I can get anymore attached to Ethan. I'm brought out of my thoughts by a big wet tongue running from my chin to my forehead.

"Ew Ethan!" I cry out, laughter erupting from my body.

Even in his wolf form he's still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

"Can we go back now? I have to get back to my house to get a few things."

He nuzzles my leg and I turn around. This time silence follows until I feel a hand on my shoulder. Turning around I'm met once again with those beautiful hazel eyes.

"Let's get going."

He grabs my hand and continues to walk back to the pack.

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