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I woke up to an empty bed. Yoongi had probably left sometime in the middle of the night or early in the morning.

I sighed and got up, knowing that I had one last clean shirt left in my room. I checked my phone and it was about 10am, which was pretty late for me. Yoongi hadn't even left a message before going off to who knows where.

I went to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. Remembering what had happened - or almost happened - made me contemplate over whether it had been the right choice to stop. One part of me regretted it, while the other knew well that it had been the right choice. Yoongi and I weren't ready for that yet and even though that need for him had been there, it wasn't the right time. Not now when things were crazy.

However, a new emotion had appeared since last night that hadn't been there before: doubt.

I didn't know why, but my thoughts from the night before had made me wonder. Maybe it was all the insecurities that had piled up the last days, but I was suddenly wondering whether Yoongi had only fallen in love with me last winter because we had helped each other through a difficult time. What if ... now that we'd recovered, we didn't need each other anymore?

I slapped my cheek hard and sighed.

I was overreacting. Our life in Seoul together had been just fine. Sure, the therapy had helped with our trauma and the worries and fears couldn't just go away like it was nothing, but we had been fine. Our life as a couple had been great until all this shit had happened, bringing us back here.

I washed my face and walked out of his room to go to mine and get dressed. Afterwards, I met dad downstairs.

"Oh, there you are, dear", he sadly greeted me. "I have some bad news for you. I know I promised that I'd stay here with you for a bit, but I have to go back to Seoul", he admitted. "I was just told an investor wanted to meet with me personally before signing the contract and you know how it works..."

Actually, I felt much safer knowing dad was going back home, to safety. I only wished I could go with him and drag Yoongi along with us. It wasn't like anything bad was really happening, but this place just gave me a bad feeling.
"Okay, when?"

"Today." He scratched the back of his head.

"That's great." I really meant that. "But I can't leave just yet."

"I know", he smiled. "I just don't know if-", he pressed his lips together. "If I can leave you here by yourself."

I looked around the hall. Light was streaming in through the huge windows of the main hall, making it seem like a regular old house where no incident had ever happened. Dust particles floated through the sunlight.

"I'll be fine", I assured him, my voice a little hoarse.

Dad nodded. "It's just that Yoongi didn't seem fine."

"How so?" I knew exactly what he meant.

Dad seemed worried. "Well, at the party and after the talk with the detective... He just seemed strange."

"That's because he's back here", I said, trying to seem more relaxed than I actually was. "This house and his father, they add up to his already messed up attitude towards this place. It makes him uncomfortable."

Maybe it would have been more bearable if Yoongi and I had booked an inn close by and had not stayed at the house, but during this time of the year, everything was packed.

"I know", dad agreed. "In any case, I'd feel safer knowing you kids would come back to Seoul soon."

I thought about how Yoongi had promised the detective that he wouldn't leave.

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