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The Min Mansion stood before us like an ancient building from a postcard. Even though it was hot outside and there was a completely different mood than during my first visit here in winter, I still felt that unease when I saw the grey walls of that house. It felt as if it had some kind of dark aura surging from it.

I threw a look at Yoongi, who was still sitting in the driver's seat. We both didn't dare to move, as if something bad was going to happen if we did. Yoongi sat there, hands on the steering wheel. His collarbones underneath his black shirt were visible and I could see how his knuckles turned white. I knew how he felt.

My dad arrived soon after and parked his car next to Yoongi's. Other than that, the parking lot was filled with cars from other guests attending the celebration, which would only start somewhere around 7pm. That somehow gave me the signal to get out of the car and stop staring. Yoongi snapped out of his daze and got out as well without saying a word.

The heat was like a punch in the face. In the split of a second, sweat broke out all over my body. The sound of the ocean sounded dull, somehow boring. The hot air smelled of junipers and dust and a bit of seaweed.

"Welcome back, Mr. Yoongi", a very formal voice spoke. I saw one of the butlers come up to us outside and make a small bow. We returned the gesture. He twitched a bit when he saw me.
"Oh, I'm very sorry. I didn't know Miss Y/N would be coming as well. Should I prepare a room?"

I pressed my lips together. That must have been Yoongi trying his best to keep me away by saying I wasn't coming.

"A lot of the guests attending will stay overnight and some have decided to extend this trip and stay here for a small holiday, so we only have a single room left", the butler smiled. "I hope that's fine."

"That will be fine, thanks", Yoongi muttered.

I tried to now show my disappointment over sleeping in seperate rooms. But it shouldn't matter! Besides, Yoongi and I had talked and decided that we would wait a while until... you know. So it didn't matter that we weren't sleeping in the same room, right? I was just trying to convince myself at this point, even though I was slightly hurt. He was probably doing this because he was still mad at me.

"Please tell my father that I'm here", Yoongi told the butler.

"Certainly", he said. "Please, go inside and help yourself to some refreshments."


As soon as I entered the house, I expected to feel that cold air again, the one that had sent shivers to my bone a year ago. There was nothing.

I must have seemed like a creep, looking at the inside of the house for so long, searching for a sign of... something that seemed unnormal.

I turned to Yoongi, who was still standing outside on the stairs. His sunglasses were in his right hand, dangling next to his leg. His whole face suddenly seemed like it was composed of angles. I saw how the wings of his nose moved when he breathed in. He had to give himself a visible push to go through the door. The moment he did, he clenched his fists so hard, that I clearly saw the veins on the back of his hand pop out.

"Yoongi?", I whispered.

There was this horrible expression in his eyes, which I had already seen at the ferry terminal. He slowly nodded.
"Everything's fine."
He conciously relaxed his hands again. I didn't believe a thing he said. He seemed like he was about to throw up.

My dad tripped inside behind us.
"Oooh it's so nice and cool in here." He looked in both directions.
"Where is that dining hall again?"

The Sound Of The Ocean/SEQUEL-[m.yg]Where stories live. Discover now