I'm leaving

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Michael pov.
I was aware that this was the wrong thing I had ever done since the first time, but at the same time it was so right, I loved another woman who wasn't mine, smooth. She was an amazing, intelligent, beautiful, and kind woman. I didn't deserve this, I didn't deserve a betrayal, but I'm a weak, very weak man unable to succumb to my desires, in fact I was unable to resist her, Whitney was the only person who made me out of the logic I I have always programmed for my life, I have always been very straight, to the point of becoming some very boring, sometimes judged to have an old spirit. I never cared about that I liked being responsible, I loved the way I thought so much before doing something, even talking I thought so much before not to say anything wrong. I always saw myself as someone extremely controlling, always wanted to control everything around even my actions. I'm Michael Jackson, a nature-loving, very sensible man, but not when it came to Whitney Elisabeth Huston, the most stubborn and selfless woman I have ever met, with a sour sense of humor and a bit crazy and off like a child, she it had a fault truck but on the other hand it was beautiful, sensitive, sweet and innocent even in the midst of all that sensuality that drove any man around crazy, well I was no exception.

I felt her failing breath that dominated me along with the hot, sweaty body beneath me, my Nippy clawed my back as I went wild inside her, I always felt something different with her, something I had never felt before, was a mixture. of desire, lust and obsession. Yes I have to admit that I am obsessed with her, and she belongs to me even though she is not really mine.

I looked into the brown eyes, they were the trigger of my obsession, they were shining with unshed tears, tears of extreme pleasure we shared, Nippy gasped and made hoarse moans that drove me no more than her body contracting around me. that was the reason why I lost control of her, every nerve ending shaking with pleasure, my cock clenched by her boiling body, I could never feel anything better than in her arms. I could not have more control, I started to go faster holding her arms up wanted to possess her without resistance, wanted to dominate that body that was so mine, that hard not to feel that sheltered there was my place.
Entering her body with fury, the fury of knowing I couldn't have her in my arms every day of my life, knowing that when I left her house I would feel empty again, as if a piece of me was missing, maybe my heart .

"mike ...." she called on a moan, felt her come to me, completely making me ecstatic, and so came to my end looking at her that forces her exhausted breath, leaned her face against hers looking that honey brown that hypnotized me
"I love you, Whitney." Unlike the other times she didn't smile, didn't say she loved me, but she was completely silent, a disturbing silence that made it feel that the room was cold in a way that was terrifying. And that chill increased as she tried to get out of me, didn't want to get out of her body, not yet, didn't want to feel the emptiness of being away from her, Nippy looked away uncomfortably with something, and in a fearful impulse take the her face making her look at me - you still love me, don't you? "I don't know what I would do if I heard no!"
"Mike, please, right, I'm just wanting you to get off me, didn't you notice it's past?" - I went out on her looking at her, I was running away from the question, it hurt me the same way it drove me crazy, Whitney was weird days, ran away from me whenever he could, never had time to find me and it made me very insecure, I couldn't think she could have another, I don't know what she would do, maybe kill my birthday, just to have her just for me.
My little chocolate-skinned woman, with a smell of jasmine and cinnamon, that when she smiled the whole world lit up, and when she sang to me the world seemed calmer and just looking at her the world seemed to have more color. - what's up mike?
"What's up, always running from my questions, what's wrong with you?" - she rolled her eyes annoyed if sitting
- anything
- nothing - I imitated her already extremely nervous - it seems nothing to me Whitney tells me it's him - I faced her in a challenging way if she thought she was going to fool me with another man was completely wrong, I would never allow her to have anyone else, She was mine and I was too selfish to share what is mine.
- he who ??? - She got up from the nervous bed without worrying about his nakedness, surely there was no shyness between us since we knew every bit of the other's body. - you are crazy?
- I'm not crazy Nippy, you're weird and I just wanna know why. - She glared at me and turned her back to the bathroom
- I'll take a shower that I earn more, when I get out of it I hope you're already already out of my house, and preferably going after your wife - she slammed the bathroom door in a way that I had the impression of feeling the fourth shake.

I didn't even get up, I wasn't going home I was glad that lisa. is at her parents' house I have all week to be with Nippy, she hardly knew that in my car there was a backpack with some clothes to spend all week with her, expected most in her bed.
She came out of the bathroom after a while looked at me in disbelief
- I didn't tell you to leave my house - she said exalted
- brat I'm not going out, I'm going to sleep here with you now come lie with me - I winked at her who rolled her eyes, before huffing out the door, making sure she was hiding something from me, and should be serious since she even resisted my charms.
Get out of bed looking for some clothes of mine scattered around the room and went after Whitney, I hated to run after people, but lived running like a puppy after her, always saw me crazy for her attention.
I found her in the kitchen, she was having a tea sitting in front of the counter, she was distant nor noticed my approach, I hugged her behind being struck by the smell of flower soap that came from her body.
"It's calmer now," I asked, being ignored by her. "Whitney, what's up with you?"
- nothing, I just want peace Jackson! - I walked away looking at her, seriously she was calling me Jackson I must be very in trouble.
"Do you think you're talking to your father?" she laughed at me.
"That's very funny today, Mike." She gave me a sweet smile before looking back at her tea as if searching for words inside it. I took her hand was worried, Whitney was never sad was always smiling and laughing, had a childish way that was so cute by many that people approached her as if she had a magnet, enhanced by his sympathy.
- what's wrong with you ? - I looked into her eyes that deviated from mine returning to face the tea.
She sighed heavily before she started - I'm leaving Mike, I'm going to live in Switzerland, I'm going to try a life there later this week and I'm not coming back. - She looked at me with teary eyes and I was still trying to reason that seemed a nightmare, yes was still sleeping, for sure. just had to find a way to wake up
- As it goes, this crazy Whitney your life is here.
- no, my life is not here, I decided to take a break from my career for a few years. Rest. - I listened to her words that killed me slowly, I did not hide from her my feelings loved her, always wanted her to ask me to leave her smooth, but she never did, maybe not love me, maybe her feelings are not reciprocal and She never wanted to be with me.
Every confused answer in my head made me worse, more angry at my feelings, I fell in love with a woman who is not mine, and does not want to be mine. I Michael Jackson the man who can have the woman he wanted, but I didn't fall in love with a cheeky brat, who was always the woman who never got carried away by my charms. Before marrying lisa, I hit Whitney shamelessly and she always made a fool of herself and pretended not to see the way I wanted her, sometimes gave me a stop there, but I always went after her all the time wanted Whitney for me, she was my unattainable being. Until I met Lisa and fell in love with her, an amazing woman, full of qualities but even she couldn't make me forget Nippy kept me in her eyes all the time, wanted her in a way that was sick, even though it was hard to admit it was obsessed with her that she had a natural sensuality, the way she talked about sex in a simple way that sharpened all my senses, at the same time she had a sweet way that enchanted me, one day I kissed her on impulse, whatever. it seemed so right all of a sudden and it was maddening, we couldn't control ourselves anymore we started having an affair driven by desire, and I fell in love as a teenager, didn't see myself without her in a way that would drop everything to live to her But now I realize I'm alone in this feeling because now Whitney shows me that she doesn't love me, maybe it was just sex for her and for me it was always love, a love that I didn't even understand.

- Michael ... - She called me out of my daydreams, I looked at her who seemed afraid of my reaction.
"You won't," I said angrily, "how can you drop it all, your career, your life, we're crazy, Whitney."
- I'm not crazy, I've decided will be better for everyone, especially for you and lisa she does not deserve to be betrayed, I can no longer live with what I feel here - she put her hand on her heart shedding many tears - I I feel very bad, and I don't want to live with it anymore, I just want to go home ... I just want to stop it - she finished talking choked with tears, I hugged her feeling the sobs of her crying it killed me, I felt so bad about it, but it didn't get over the hurt that he knew he could do without her.

Obs: I'm brazilian, so if you have some mistakes forgive me kkkkk sorry.😍

the story is based on 1994 and whitney has no children or husband

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