Ch 3. Its over, Nindroid...

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Zane's POV:

As I saw that wretched nindroid heading towards me I started to fire my arrows, but he dodges them swiftly one by one, he even tried to block one by his entire arm without getting damaged. 'My arrows were no use, it's sticking to fighting then' I thought and quickly dodge his swinging fist that was nearly on my face. This is discouraging, even I wouldn't have time to think properly as he keeps wavering his deadly hands everywhere only aiming for me like a locked target. The worst thing is that he is way too fast to get hit on the first blow. 'Be patient...' I said to myself, normally that's what master Wu always said...

My eye caught on something. Finally, an open area to his side, it might not be a perfect shot but if I get it just right, then I could finally get to knock him out. 'Here goes nothing...' I thought, clenching my right fist throwing a hard punch to my target. 'POW' I couldn't believe it, I actually hit him.

The worst thing is though, I was fully spaced out to think of anything besides actually striking my worst enemy that I noticed a grip in my arm, and a nudge on my back and suddenly, I was strapped down to the ground, seeing the two damaged bikes from afar.

"So ninja, how'd you like the view..." Mr E said as he keeps pinning me down at the edge of the canyon. I tried not to look down but the thought of me falling keeps flashing through me. Am I going to fall down? No, I shouldn't give up just yet, I open my hands to blast my ice powers to Mr E, he dodged to miss, I noticed that his grip went loose. This is it, I thought and pulled all of my strength, releasing his grasp...but he didn't give up just yet, by the time I quickly let go of him, he swings his right arm towards my right chest.  

Feeling surprised, I blocked his fist with my arm. He hits my arm with a powerful bash, grazing both of my arms through to my chest. Holy spinjitzu, he's too strong. He went for another punch, I quickly rolled to the side, backing away. His fists smashed through the ground, creating a dent. I focused on his attention again and used one of my feet, hitting his face. The force was pretty hard but I still couldn't make a single dent around him. He then grabbed my foot by the time I released from my kick. 

I tried to move but I couldn't as the nindroid looked at me with a deceitful look. "What a disappointment you are..." He uttered as he grips tightly on my foot damaging it. I closed my eyes as I heard the sound of metal grazing. "Your reaction time is slow and you couldn't even manage to beat me, what have you been doing all this time instead of  looking for that old goof huh? " Finally, I looked at him with heat surging through my body. How dare he described my master, whom I wished he was here, a goof!?

Clenching my fists, I swung to my other foot to his jaw which sends him flying across the air and released my other foot he damaged. My eyes were open wide, surprised that I hit it that hard. but there's no time to rest, I have to make sure he didn't rise up again. With the side of my foot, my ice powers reached through to my enemy's left leg. I had to make sure the ice is strong enough to block his movements. 

And it did, he yelled in frustration and starts to move around wildly in any chances of breaking the ice. 

'Oh no he didn't'  I said to myself and lift my entire body-for the second time-, grabbed those hard, metal shoulders of his and freeze with all I've got until his whole body was covered and was unable to move. 

Finally, I have enough of this nonsense, I fell on my knees, exhausted from the fight. Damn, I just wished that I would never experience fighting like this again. I touched my right chest where the one that hits the most. The vault was slightly open but I'm glad it was still fine-at least...

Suddenly, I heard a crack...I realised it had come from the ice, Oh the Gods couldn't have been so cruel, my wires are all malfunctioned and I don't think I have the energy left in me. I watched helplessly as the pieces of the cold ice shattered, releasing Mr E to his icy prison. He gave a malevolent laugh, his copper-coloured face glinted in the sunlight. 

But of course, the fiery sun melts my ice all away, I've never felt so low. Without thinking, Mr E grabbed my throat and pulled me close to his face. "Please..." I chocked,  my mechanics squeezed until it feels like he's going to break it too. "You don't -gasp-have to do this." 

Mr E gave me a neutral look. "I know...Although, I thought I made it clear that I won't go easy on you." He said and dropped me like a ragdoll, my legs hanging from the edge of the canyon. "I've been analysing your moves and it just proves to me that I'm better than you brother..." I shut my eyes tightly, his mere words echoed inside my mind. I plead for him to stop but my words came out distorted. "Why would anyone need you anyway?" He continued "If your so-called friends found out how useless you are, they'll finally leave, I'm sure of it. I'm sorry to break it to you but your creator has made you useless. Since the disappearance of your master has made you soft, your fighting skills are mixed with your emotions, which is a curse for you, unfortunately." He scoffed. I used all of my effort to lift my head as he said those word almost if they struck me like a string that has been cut, I hate to disagree, but what if he was right? Suddenly, he walked towards me and moved his face close to my ear and whispers to me in his penetrating voice.

"It's over, Nindroid..."

After his last words were finished, he puts his foot onto my face and kicked me until I started to fall. Mr E watched as I fall down onto the depths of the canyon, never to see the light of day again.


Hey all, it's me! :D

Gosh, I've been trying to complete this story for YEARS and now I can relax although I made Zane suffer, even more in this chapter~oof, but don't worry he'll be alright in the next few chapters...

Anyways, I hope you like the story and chapter 4 is coming out soon I think. ;)

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