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Has anyone truly ever existed without fear? We are all constantly afraid.

Being fearless does not mean that you will never be afraid. Instead it means that you make the decision that no matter what happens to you, you will remain determined to get back up again and to fight for yourself above all else.

Having courage means taking action even when things are hard and you are afraid.

To truly be fearless you make the decision to simply fear less.

Acknowledge what you are afraid of but take action anyway in the face of it.

I will not let hurtful actions and mistakes of others take away my beautiful energy. I will not let fear take away the love I feel in my heart for people.

I will not let fear of the unknown keep me from progressing.

I will not let fear of failure keep me from striving.

I will not let fear of my past trauma keep me from new experiences that could elevate me.

I'm going to be true to myself.

Have the courage to move. Be brave enough to change.

Be brave wild one.

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