grow up

46 1 2

Dont ever tell me that you're only a product of your environment.

Dont tell me "I cant help it. That's just how I was raised"

Dont excuse you being a total fucking piece of shit on your parents or your environment you were raised in.

The way you were treated by your parents, the way you were taught in your childhood and had to adapt to whatever your environment was, does have a lasting affect on you. It's TRUE.

All that shit can have major lasting mental and emotional damage if it was bad. I'm not saying what u went thru isnt valid. It totally is.

But who you are now? That's mainly on you.

It is your responsibility to overcome the shit you went thru in your past and try to change. To try and be different than the shit way you were taught.

It is not valid to always excuse your toxicity on your parents or your childhood.

You can recognize that you need to change. You can become better.

The earliest distinct memory i have from my early childhood is of trauma. My earliest memory is of someone taking advantage of me as a child.

I have and I never will want to make someone feel that way. I never want to cause anyone pain or make someone feel uncomfortable. I would never want to harm someone.

You can be mistreated and abused and still turn out being a kind and good person.

I was raised in a hellish environment. There was a lot of trauma that happened in my early childhood.

Some of my closest friends, had unspeakable things happen to them.

And they are not walking around doing whatever the fuck they want and not considering how it affects people.

You are accountable for your actions now.

You have the power to be different. You have the responsibility to strive for better.

Stop blaming the fact that you're a piece of shit who doesnt bother to try on your past. Everyone has a shitty childhood. Everyone goes thru hard things in different ways. Grow up and take responsibility for your own flaws and actions.


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