Rehearsing the Song

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They went to the School's Auditorium to practice on the two songs they had chosen. Sebastian is fun to be around, Marley realized and he wasn't the type to cause any Drama unlike Jake.

Once they got to there, Marley started off singing The Fighter and Sebastian joined in they're voices sounded great together and the chemistry onstage was unbelievable.

At the end of the song, The Audience clapped. Marley looked out to see her fellow Glee Club Members.Kurt was clapping but didn't seem to like seeing Marley sing with Sebastian someone who used to be in the Warblers New Directions competive Enemies.

Looking around, much to his disappointment, Will happened to love the two's singing and thought Sebastian should join New Directions."We think you should join New Directions, Sebastian what you and Marley have on this Stage is incredible. It's nothing like I've ever seen".

Marley agreed with Will What her and Sebastian shared onstage is incredible she hoped he would join New Directions as the Group could sure use his Talent to help them win Nationals plus it was nice that he is her singing Partner.

Sebastian smiled at everyone. While he had enjoyed his time with the Warblers, Sebastian hadn't enjoyed being New Directions enemy at the time. He wanted to join to prove he really wasn't a bad guy and he wanted to make it up to him it was that he felt pressured to do things by his Former group.

Sebastian smiled at the group then at Marley "I'd love to join so the answer is yes".Marley got Super excited and gave him a hug everyone else did to except Kurt he wasn't going to forget that over a year ago The Warblers slushied him, and Bullied him to trying to put his head in a Toilet.

He wasn't going to forget that .

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