First day of School

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The next day was the first day of her Sophmore year in High School she was dropped off by her Mom who was late for work. Kara looked up at the building William Mckinley High School was the name of it and they had moved to a town called Lima, Ohio.

Kara was nervous attending a brand new school she barely knew anyone and she was so shy standing there she wore a grey skirt, grey hat, and a ivory silk blouse she took a deep breath and walked towards the school wondering what the big day would bring.She was told not to use her real name but and earth name to protect who she really was.

She had registered for school the first day that they moved in she would go to about eight classes that day and everyday of the week walking inside the building she was impressed by the place she found her locker without a problem. When she closed it she bumped into some girl name Kitty who was in a cheerleading uniform the girl scowled "Watch where your going much?"

She quickly apoligized to the girl but once her back was turned she rolled her eyes not off to a good start already she thought just then another girl introduced herself "Hi you must me new, I am Tina you just have to overlook Kitty she can be somewhat snobbish.If you need to find anything just find me I am sure we got some classes together".

Kara introduced herself "Name is  Marley Danvers and yes I am new just moved here yesterday and I like it so far some things I will need to get adjusted to".

"Oh believe me I understand! I was once new to here myself you will adjust in no time and I can introduce you to some people I know that can be your new friends just don't let Kitty bother you".Kara smiled at her Tina seemed really friendly she was starting to like her she looked like she was Japanese or Chinese she couldn't really tell.

"Oh good! Looks like we have some classes together, Math, English, Science, and History."Tina said excitedly "See you in class!"then she went off to find another one of her friends.It seemed like she had already met a friend.

Walking the hallways trying to know her way around Kara saw a hot looking guy hanging out with his friends.He wore jeans, a jacket and a shirt.His hair was black and he had somewhat a bad boy image to him he spotted her and winked and made Kara blush.

You Belong With Me /Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now