Choosing the Perfect Song

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Marley is excited getting to work with her new Partner.Sebastian seemed like a great Guy.Talkative and was interested in her ideas. They began looking through a Song Book trying to find a Song that would help them connect as Partners.

There was a lot to choose from as far as Song Selection went.And they had narrowed it down to three "If we have trouble choosing, Will said we can choose two songs to sing. Do you see anyone of them you like?"he asked her.

Marley looked through the list of Songs and she did find a couple songs that she liked."How bout Keuth Urban and Carrie Underwoods's Fighter?And theres "Don't you want to stay ".by Kelly Clarkson and Jason Aldean?"

Sebastian listened to her and smiled "I happen to love the Songs that you chose even though they are Country some Country Songs are great. We will choose to sing them before anyone else gets them. "

Marley nodded happily this was  something they can get excited about, performing new Music! "And there are non Duet Songs that we can easilly turn into Duets like what Dad says."

Sebastian smiles back and nodded "You get the idea!I can't wait to start practicing singing together.I am sure you have a wonderful voice".he said knowing he is flirting with Marley he couldn't help it, he was drawn to her.

Marley blushed even more."That's what People say that I have. A Wonderful Voice, I get compliments all the time they say I practically belong on stage".

"It's because they are right I am sure of it though I've never heard of your voice.Everyone tells me your the next Rachel I will get to see that for myself very soon".

You Belong With Me /Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now