24 The Championship Pt. 2

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~ - Chapter Twenty Three - ~

"Bottom line is, stop her from carrying her team." Luhan clapped and went back into the hiding area

Minseok and Kyungsoo ran back to their original fighting spots, the snow hair readying his sword for any oncoming attack

P3 stuck out her hand and a sentinel appeared, fully loaded and ready

(A sentinel is an SMG type of gun)

Be careful, those guns were designed to fire pretty fast, so unless you want to get a bullet to the stomach, I suggest you rid her of that gun and fast

She aimed the tip of the Sentinel in the direction Kyungsoo was headed, ready to shoot him from a distance

Such a shame that it's hard to aim with SMGs from a distance, though

Luhan smiled to himself, he knew she would miss as long as Kyungsoo stayed distant

She looked through the scope and tried to aim, the point seemed to be on Kyungsoo so, she fired. But each of the bullets missed

She looked down at the gun and just threw it, disappearing into thin air as it was thrown

She clapped her hands together and this time she made a sniper rifle

Kyungsoo... I suggest you hide behind something or move fast

He continued to run from the position that he was in, making his way to P3

He watched as Minseok was distracting the other two, and went back onto his mission to disable P3

But of course she noticed his plan, so holding onto the sniper tight, it quickly transformed into a Katana

She readied herself, standing in a battle stance

Before getting to close where he was in the Katana's range, he put his hands on the ground

After a few seconds, P3 starting to sprint up to him, so he stood up and ran in circles around her

"What are you doing?? Fight me you coward!" She shouted, trying to grab onto him to stop him from continuously running in a stupid circle like an idiot

Just as her hand grabbed onto the back of his shirt, her ankles got wrapped in tree roots

She looked down in shock, and subconsciously dropped her sword trying to get the roots off

Kyungsoo summoned another wooden spear like before, just in case, he slid it behind him to grab if his plan failed

The roots grew small plants, which extended up and wrapped around her wrists to stop her from ripping off anything

Calmly, the brunette kneeled in front of her and grabbed her hands, he looked dead into her eyes and said one sentence very softly

"Good game."

A strong rock came off of his hands and molded itself onto hers, disabling her from even extending her fingers at all

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