Train journey.

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Cute GaLe pic of the day

Natsu's POV

I woke up at 5:30 and texted the other two idiots right away. We have a group chat too. It's called Dragon slayers ( of course, I wouldn't expect them to be creative). Luckily they were awake as well. I had to learn how to do the telepathy and invisibility spell. We agreed to meet outside the guild hall so I could put the spell on before we go to our mates. Most importantly, My beloved Luce. ( looks like I found Juvia 2.0).

When I finally put the spell on us, we left for Luce's apartment. When we got there, they were still peacefully asleep. So we just sat there and watched them sleep. (Not creepy at all *note the sarcasm*) At 7:30, their alarm rang. "Ugh" groaned Mira. "Make it stop" complained Levy. "Shut the hell up" said Luce. I think it was pretty clear to us that they were not morning people.

After 5 more minutes, their alarm rang again. Lucy was just about to whack the alarm really hard when Mira stopped her just in time and Levy turned it off. "Lu-Lu" she started " I know your not a morning person but the alarm clock shouldn't be punished". "Yeah yeah your right. Anyway, good morning you two" she said cheerfully. " Good morning Lucy" they said together.

"Now one of us will make breakfast, one of us will take a shower first and the last person will clean this floor bed up" she said. "I wanna take a shower first, I feel like an animal" said Levy. "I'll go make breakfast" said Mira. "Then I guess I'll clean this floor bed up" said Luce.

They soon got to work but we had to hold Metal freak back from going into the shower with Levy. After about 15 minutes, Lucy was done cleaning up and just then Levy came out of the bathroom. Lucy then took over from Mira (who was making pancakes) and started making eggs while Mira went to shower. When Mira cane out, Lucy went into the shower while Levy helped Mira with breakfast.

When Lucy came out, they started to eat breakfast. Surprisingly, I wasn't hungry for once. (Natsu's not hungry??? THE WORLD IS GONNA END!!!😰) They then left the apartment with us following of course.

They got to the train station and we're discussing whether they should go to Mermaid Heel first or Sabertooth. They eventually decided that they would go to Mermaid Heel first. (Idk where it's located sooooo.....) it was a 7 hour long train journey. How are we gonna survive that?????????? Usually when I'm on a train, Luce puts my head on her lap and that calms me down but we're not even supposed to be here so I'm screwed.

The train arrived and we took a compartment right behind theirs. Before the train started moving, me and Metal head were freaking out. "Ugh! Don't worry I knew this was gonna happen so I got Wendy to put her troia spell on these pills." said Electric weirdo giving us a pill each. "We quickly took them and luckily, it worked on me this time.

The train started moving and the girls started talking about how they thought Kagura and Rogue would be such a cute couple. They then spent 30 minutes choosing a ship name. I think they said it was 'Rogura'( I think it's that. If I'm wrong correct me please) "That reminds me" started Luce " Kagura is just as independent and fierce as Erza, Rogue must be having a hard time." " Yeah, if we're giving our dragon slayers a hard time, I feel really bad for Rogue" said Mira. "I agree" said Levy laughing a bit.

They talked about a lot more things like which exceed is the cutest. " it's Lily" said Levy. "I think Carla is quite cute" said Mira. "Are you guys literally kidding me? It's definitely Happy" said Luce. "Tho I'd never admit it to him. He's also super sweet and totally adorable". ( I totally agree Lucy).

"Ooh Mira do you ship Happy with anyone?" asked Levy. "Actually I do" Mira replies. "Really? Who?" asked Luce with excitement. " I ship Happy with Carla" replied Mira. "So what's their ship name?" asked Levy. "Cappy" Mira replied. All three of them started to squeal so hard. They talked about other ships such as:
Bickslow  x Lisanna= Bixanna
Elfman x Evergreen= ElfGreen
Romeo x Wendy= RoWen
Gray x Juvia= Gruvia
Jellal x Erza= Jerza

Man, girls are weird!!! I looked over to the other two and saw that they were weirded out as well.

Finally the train stopped. We all followed the girls to the Mermaid Heel guild hall. They went in and found Kagura. Rogue was beside her. They told her about dragon mating season. Kagura was blushing slightly when they finished.

"So that's why he's been acting weird?!?!?" said Kagura. "Yup" they all replied. "We should be going now" said Levy. "Yeah it's already 8 o' clock" said Mira. "It was really nice seeing you again Kagura, good luck with that one (points at Rogue)" said Luce. "Mmhmm, Thank you" said Kagura.  They said their goodbyes and went to find a hotel to stay in for the night. We took the room right next to theirs. We knew that Rogue could smell us but probably didn't say anything because he knew they were our mates. The one thing I'm wondering is that why we still can't look into their heads. I think the spell might last a few days before wearing off.

They then went to a nearby restaurant. The invisibility spell wore of a while ago. Luckily it was dark out. We took a table where we could keep an eye on the girls and be far enough so they won't see us. Every guy that even looked at them earned a death glare from us. They then returned to the hotel and went to bed.

In the morning, they left for Sabertooth. Luckily, it was only a 3 hour train ride. We had those pills again and when we got there, we followed the girls again.

When they entered the guild hall, Yukino came running up to Lucy. "Lucy" shouted Yukino as she hugged Lucy. "Yukino" Lucy replied as she hugged back. "Mira/Levy!!!!" they shouted in unison. Everyone started laughing.

"So Yukino" started Lucy "how are Libra and Pisces?"  "Oh yeah they're great, what about your spirits?" asked Yukino. "They're fine too".

"Say Yukino, do you know what dragon mating season is?" asked Mira. "Huh? No what is it?" asked Yukino. "Hey Sting come over here!" Levy called Sting. "Yeah what is it?" asked Sting. "Do you know about DMS?" asked Lucy. "Oh yeah I know" answered Sting. "So have you found a mate yet?" asked Mira with a smirk. "Uh yes actually I have" answered Sting. "Who is she?" asked Levy excitedly. "Yukino" he answered with a blush that, you guessed it, rivaled Erza's hair. (So original I know 🙄😂) Yukino was really confused. The girls then explained everything to her and she was as red as a tomato.

After like forever they finally went to a hotel. We got a room right next to theirs and had dinner at a restaurant again. ( just to clarify the dragon slayers do eat food when the girls do. And the invisibility spell only makes them invisible to who they want to be invisible to, so normal people can see them) We death glared every guy there. But it was almost impossible for Lightning freak and Metal head to hold me back when a waiter started to flirt with Lucy. Lucky for me, my girl is one tough apple. She just told the guy to back off.

Over dinner we heard what the girls were talking about. Thank you dragon slayer hearing. "Hey guys, I just thought of something" began Luce " I just remembered that in the book it said that if we reject our dragon slayer then they might die of heartbreak". "I totally forgot about that" said Mira. "What if they're dying right now because we told them they couldn't come with us and they took that as rejection?" panicked Levy. "Oh no, we messed up" began Mira. " I mean we didn't really mean to reject them, we were just really annoyed at them for being clingy and overprotective". "Then that's it" said Luce with a determined expression " we take the first train back to Magnolia tomorrow and fix things". The dragon slayers were all laughing slightly because they were panicking a lot but were really happy because they clearly cared about us!!!!!!!!

They then finished eating and left for their hotel rooms while we headed for ours. It was only 6 o' clock in the evening but us dragon slayers were EXHAUSTED!!!! We knew that the girls were probably tired as well so we thought that they were gonna go to bed in a few minutes. Us three then fell asleep as soon as we lay down in the bed.

Hey you guys!!! The next few chapters are gonna have a little bit of drama. But I might not post till a few days. Kay??

Peace out peeps!!!!!!✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻

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