christmas chapter :)

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*the night of christmas eve*


"come on finneas, this is the first christmas with paisley, it has to be perfect!" i exclaim. "bil, calm down, she's gonna love it either way." finneas reassures.

we were currently setting up another christmas tree at the last minute because someone thought i'd be a great idea to see if they could climb it.

it was finneas.


"billie, you think the christmas tree is strong enough for me to climb it?" finneas asks. "finneas, don't do that." mom says, looking up from her book. "yeah, besides, you'd fall right off." i add.

"is that a challenge?" finneas asks, taking off his jacket. "finneas-" "no, billie, i'm busy proving you wrong." finneas says as he begins to climb the christmas tree.

the christmas tree starts to lean. "FINNEAS." mom yells, annoyed. "mom, i got this." finneas reassures. he takes one more step up and the tree slowly falls.

"OH SH-"


"we wouldn't have to be doing this if you never broke the other tree." i say annoyed. "in my defense-" "just shut up." i say as i throw an ornament directly at his face.

suddenly, i hear footsteps coming from the hallway. i turn around and see paisley coming out of her room.

"hey, little baby." i say as i walk over to her and pick her up. "hi, mommy." she says as she rubs her eyes. "what are you doing up?" i ask, pushing hair out of her face.

"i had a nightmare." she says as she yawns. "you wanna sleep in my bed?" i ask, walking up the stairs. paisley nods.

i reach my room and open the door. i walk over to my bed and gently place paisley into my bed. "i'm going to be downstairs if you need me." i say as i tuck her in and walk to the door.

"okay, mommy." paisley says as she turns over and tries to go back to sleep. i take one last look at her and walk back down the stairs to the living room.

"okay finneas, how's it goin- NO!"


*christmas day*


"paisley, wake up."

"paisley, santa claus came!"

i open my eyes at the last sentence and see billie looking down on me. "hm?" i say and sit up and rub my eyes. "santa came!" billie says and smiles.

"santa?" i say shocked. billie nods. i jump out of billie's bed and run to the door. billie trails behind me slightly laughing to herself at my excitement.

i run down the stairs and stop when i see a lot of presents under the christmas tree. "look, it's gifts from santa!" finneas says as he picks me up. "santa!" i say as i point to the tree.

"you wanna open some gifts?" billie asks, walking up to me and finneas. i nod my head fast. "hey, where's mom?" finneas asks, looking around. "over here!" maggie shouts from the kitchen.

"i just put cookies in the oven." she says as she walks over to us. finneas sets me down and i run over to the gifts. billie gets out her phone and goes live on instagram.

i sit down on the floor and finneas hands me a gift. "open it paisley!" billie says and smiles. i unwrap the wrapping paper and see a peppa pig plushie. "PEPPA!" i say as i hug the plushie close to me.

"is that peppa pig lmao"

"surprised billie didn't put some designer brand on peppa lol"

"paisley is so cute awe"

maggie then hands me another gift. i unwrap the gift and look at it confused. "what's this?" i ask, looking at it. "it's a mini piano!" maggie says and smiles. i gasp. "yay!" i say as i smile brightly.

i open a couple more gifts until i get to the last one. "this one is from me." billie says as she gives her phone to finneas to record.

billie hands me a box with holes poked into it. "be careful, it's fragile." she says as she puts it on my lap. i carefully open the box and gasp.

"hamster!" i say as i look inside the box. billie takes the hamster out of box and puts it in my hands. "what are you gonna name her?" billie asks.

"banana!" i say as I hold the hamster up into the air. "paisley, what is it with you and naming animals weird names?" finneas asks and laughs.

"merry christmas, paisley!"

word count: 747

merry christmas!

or happy holidays if you don't celebrate!

comment what you got here ->

i got a new laptop, iphone 8, watercolor pens, watercolor sketch book, a marvel necklace and bracelet, some books, and some easy bake stuff because i still have my oven haha.

my birthday is next week (new years), so that's fun :)

happy holidays !

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