Chapter 13: The coming Horde

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A/N: "Just two more left! Damn this has flown by fast."

Ghost: "Agreed and happy Dawning to all!"

A/N: "Now with that out of the way, let's get on to the chapter."
Third person

Void awoke in his full gear and sat up on his bed.

Void: "Guess I went to bed in my armor again."

Shaking off the nightmare as always he caught a blinking light in the corner of his vision, looking over he saw one of the screens blaring red.

Void: "Great what's broken this time?"

He swung his feet over the bedside and hopped up. Now out of bed he walked over and leaned down, typed on the console before his eyes widened. Backing up a bit he spent no time grabbing his shotgun and running outside.

The camera remained on the screen as it zoomed in to show that the proximity sensors had gone ballistic last night and early this morning.

Void's perspective

I rushed around the house as I saw Slayer running in from the field by the forest. The nightmares becoming more of a reality then just a dream, something was trying to warn me? or was it my future? Worry about that later.

Void: "Slayer! The proximity sensors!"

Slayer: "I know!" *He rushed over to me and grabbed my shoulders, he was scared, something I'd never seem from him since I've known him.* "There are tracks all over the place."

Void: "Slayer we need to get them out of here."

He nodded and we headed into the house. The Farm girl was cooking when we rushed in.

Farm girl: "Good morning, breakfast should be done in a bit."

Slayer: "Run."

Farm girl: "Ok your kidding." *She puts down the ladle and turns to face us.* "Your kidding right? Come on." *She was very much concerned at this point.*

Void: "There were tracks, along with my sensors that went nearly haywire from the readings."

Farm girl: "Ok then you'll just fight them. Right?"

Slayer: "I can't. In a cave I would win against them, even if their numbers were a hundred strong. No matter what I'd be victorious, but there were at least ten sets of tracks, which means this horde definitely has a leader. Not a Hob or a Shaman, no judging from their numbers, it is something much stronger, a Goblin lord."

Farm girl: "But Void, you've done things like this before why-"

Void: "Because I'm weak, before I could keep fighting because I could come back, here I don't have my ghost, I don't have my endless supply of light, and I'm running low on ammo, this is something I can't beat like the old days.... and I hate it."

Slayer: "The attack will come tonight, we don't have time to ask the military for help, from the tracks it has to be a horde of over a hundred goblins."

Farm girl: "That's so many, but why here, why the farm? What do they want with it?"

Void: "Likely they'd use it as a staging ground against the town."

Slayer: "I'm not a platinum ranked adventurer, I'm not a hero, I don't see how we could possibly muster enough people to win this. I'm not strong enough, I can't do it."

Farm girl: "That's why you want me to go."

Slayer: "Yes."

Farm girl: "Live if I run now."

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