Chapter 14: Victory lap

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A/N: "Here we are people, the final chapter of Slayer and the Void, though don't think of this as the end of the tale. For now though, let the concussion begin.
3rd person

Sparks flew, blades clashed, the smell of iron lay heavily in the air as blood was spilled. The adventurers fought against the Hobs and Champions, dodging and weaving around, the scene pans to Void taking on a goblin Champion alone, his blade coated in blood as he dodged another strike from the champions massive club.

Void's perspective

After it's last attack I landed on my feet and started to sprint around the massive goblin.

Void: (Great out of ammo and of course when it would be great to have some, typical.)

I slashed at the champions legs again, getting a good sized gash before having to dodge to the side again.

Void: "Come on ugly, just go down already!"

It let out a large roar of rage and started to swing wildly towards me. Keeping light on my feet I hopped around as the club pelted the ground.

The ground tore asunder as earth flew up into the air with each strike, landing on my heels, I did a backflip to avoid the last of the flurry.

Now with a window I looked around the battlefield. The others were holding their own, taking on the remaining forces of the horde. Though this destruction cost me as I looked back at my opponent I came face to face with it's club. Slamming into my chest plate, I felt it crack under the force behind the swing, knocking the air out of me as I was sent tumbling across the field.

Hitting the ground several times I bounced off the dirt before my back struck against a large rock, cracking it and the back of my chest plate, stopping my momentum and knocking out any remaining air in my lungs. My blade now lay just a few feet from reach, my vision blurred and all I could hear is faint noises.

The sounds of panic felt as though they came from miles away, the stomps of the Champion and the roar it let out as it raised it's club. I looked up at the night sky above and thought about how this was my final death, all those that had stood beside me over the centuries. I held up my arms and braced for the impact the club would bring, my nightmares now becoming complete.

Though it would seem that some force, be it fate or not, had other plans. As the club was in its down swing, I felt a surge of power flow through me, it felt cold and warm at the same time, coursing it's way through my body I felt a slight push on my arms.

(Play the song)

I opened my eyes and looked in shock of what was before me. My body coursed with Void light, and the Champions club now struggled to break through a sentinel shield that had formed around my right arm.

In fury the champion stepped back and roared again, now fully restored I stood up defiant against the monster before me. It went for a side attack with its club heading straight for my head. I used my new shield to bash the club. It splintered into pieces as the champion stumbled back from the impact, what remained of the weapon being dropped in the process.

Void: "Now let's see how you do when you face a guardian at full power."

Not going to let it have a chance I threw my shield like I had seen a thousand times before in the Crucible at the champions face. Nailing it in the schnoz and it returned to me. Then I felt something come over me, concentrating my light into the palm of my hand, the shield dissolving and formed into the ball of void energy growing in my hand. Using my double jump, I got high enough to look the champion straight in the eyes as I cocked my arm back.

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