Chapter 48- stay and chill

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Noah let go of the stuff and helped me up as I winced in pain when I stepped on my right leg.

" here just depend on me today alright?" He said

I huffed and sucked up the scream I wanted to let out. I put pressure on my leg and bite down on my lip.

" jade" he called out to me but I didn't listen

" Babe! You're going to hurt your self even more." He said

He then sweep me off my feet as I held onto his neck. I glared at him as he let out a low giggle.

" I know you don't like it but stop being stubborn." He said

He walked me into the bathroom and laid me on the sink. He started the water and walked out.

' he's so kind to me...though when he didn't know about me...he wanted to kill me...he wanted to kill me...fuck I'm lucky, he seriously could have killed me without hesitation-

" Babe?!" He called out again

" s-sorry I spaced out" I smiled at him

" it's okay, well the baths ready and the clothes are right here" he smiled

I nodded and he closed the door.

• Noah's POV•

I closed the door and stood there for a second. I sighed heavily and walked out of the room and downstairs.

"Hey man How's Jade?" Nick asked

" she's doing okay-ish" I answered

" what about-

" they are still sleeping." Jason said

"Strange, they seem to have fully trusted us but do
They know?" Tyler asked

" nah...they won't know for now" I told them

" Know what?"

We all whipped our head to the voice. I felt a shiver going down my spine as I fake a smile and waved at her.

" good morning guys but what can't we know or I'll call Cora...or even Jade" she threatens

Immediately I motion the guys to grab her but I guess she understands and started to run up the stairs but nick caught up to her. He covered her mouth as she trashed around till she was on the couch.

" Listen We Aren't Going To Do Anything, Only To Protect You!" Nick said to her

" w-why" she stuttered

" Because someone will go after you guys for being with us" nick said

" then why hide it and tell us"

" Lilac...please we beg you not to tell okay. We don't want them paranoid...please" I begged her

She stayed silent for a second but nodded when a smirk appeared on her face.

' fuck'

" but one of you have to buy me ice cream and cookies" she smiled

" I-I'll do it" nick said

" alright well now that that's settled I think I'm going to get jade some food" I breathed out

" why?" Jason asked

" because she can't walk plus she's stubborn" I laughed

" yeaa...okay Lets Go But Food!" Lily laughed

She dragged nick out as he gave us a concerned look as they guys just shook their heads or shrugged their shoulders.

I started to make her some eggs and bacon when I heard Cora...I think it was.

" hey guys...some of the girls want to go to school and I'll be back. I'm staying to take care of...look after jade"

I looked at her as she talked with a low soft tone. She has one of Jason's hoodie as the hood was on. She walked out as I furrowed my eyebrows

"What the hell" I laughed

I looked though my phone while waiting for the eggs and bacon to cook when I saw Cora come back in with a bag and rushed upstairs.

I shrug my shoulders and turned off the stove and put the food on a plate.

" did you forget the toast? And drink" Tyler said

" I'll do it-

" already done here..." he said handing it to me

I took it and started to walk off when he called to me.

" Noah....why?" He spoke

I turned to him and slightly glared but dropped it. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.

" she finds out....Hell is going to be open for us" he said

" yes I know. Just act natural" I smirked

" yea...okay"'

He walked off as I did as well smirking a little knowing this will be a little fun ride. 'Something new right? What can hurt jade...I wish the best of luck that you figure it out' I thought

The Gangsters Target ✅I guessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang