Chapter 28- The kiss

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•jades POV•

I sat on one of the bed at the nurse as went to go get supplies

" you are so mean why did you do that" Noah said

" because it's fun messing with elder people but only if I know them" I said

" oh okay" he responded

" oh hello there Noah do you need anything" said

" oh no, he is with me he is bodyguard always there when I get into fights" I said as he rolled his eyes

" okay well Noah next time don't let her get so hurt this girl is like my own so take good care of her" she said making me blush

" w-what are you saying" I said

" well I saw that you both live right next to each other and get along so I assume you might be friends or what not" She said As she put some medicine on it and give me pain killers

" oh...well what are pain killers going to do" I said

" I don't know numb the pain" she shrugged

" I thought you were a nurse" Noah question

" oh I am but I have to give pain killers to everyone don't worry" she smiled

" well I recommend you to not go to school tomorrow because it will be really swollen tomorrow and I don't what you coming here like a puffer fish" she said

" okay"

She then put a bandage on my cheek and some clear tape and I was ready to go.

" don't do anything to it but when you go home wash your face gently and put some sugar on it and it will help" she said as I nodded

" alright let me give you guys a pass I will be right back" she said heading back.

" so you were not lying when you said you would keep an eye on me Noah" I said

" I told you" he said

" but do you really have to be so noticeable like when we walk by just stare at us are following us or even follow me around" I said

" I don't care if i get seen or not it's you we are talking about not some other chick and besides I can't let you off the hook so easily what if you are lying and have told someone I know you told your friend group but have you told someone else"he said inching closer

" am I interrupting something" then said he quickly moved away covering his face

" n-no we were just talking and was going to be a fight" I said

" yea okay jade" she said knowing she didn't believe me.

" well here you go and don't get into more trouble kids" she said rushing us out the place

As we started walking to the class we didn't say a word till he broke the silence.

" sorry I didn't mean to get to close...even though I wanted to" he said but I didn't really hear the last part

" can you repeat again" I asked

" uh I said that it must have been weird" he said putting his hands in his pockets

" well when will you stop stalking me" I asked

" Stalking you? You must feel that special don't you" he said

" yea very special getting stalked by Noah King a gang-

I then got cut off by being pinned to the wall with my hands above my head as he put Is leg between mine.

" Don't Ever Say That Out heard" he yelled

" yea I did now let me go" I said annoyed

" you have a pretty big mouth that you should learn how to shut" he then said I slip my hand out out his grip and slapped him but not to hard

" maybe because I'm saying what I feel not hiding what I am like a fucking coward" I said pushing him away

I then speed my way over to the class as I heard him after me

As I was about to reach the class he grabbed my hand and spun me around and kissed me, surprising me. I stood there shocked at his actions.

He then pulled away and looked into my eyes with an emotion that I couldn't identify.

" sorry but I can't let you go in that class room all come on" he said grabbing my hand and going into class

" oh hey kids are you aright" the teacher asked and I nodded my head

" yea we are fine" I spoke

" JADE" willow yelled hugging me

" hey how was your day" I said sarcastically

" almost beat up a bitch or two you" she said

" nothing much fucked up a dude" I said

" okay girls and boy go sit down" the teacher said

I took one last look at Noah as he as already looking at me with a smirk

' we done fucked up' I told myself

The Gangsters Target ✅I guessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin