Chapter 15- close call

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He looked at each and everyone of us but then came back to me.

" Ace Winters do you guys know him" he asked

" Yes...why do you ask" I say

" Well we have just been informed that he is trying to kill you guys for days now or even bring you to his boss" he said.I sat there shocked.

" are you serious we have been neighbors for almost a month or two" Lilac spoke confused

" has he tried to talk to you and come inside your house" he questioned

" y-yes but I wouldn't let him in and it was only small talk" Willow spoke

" well I need you to bring him to me or kill him" he ordered

"...where and when" I then said as anger rises

" there you go Jade...tonight...we already know where he will be at the bar. He usually leaves around 11-12p.m and he goes through ally ways to go home and you guys will hid around there" he said as I felt a shoulder on my hand

" do you want to kill him or bring him" he asked

" bring him" Willow answered

" and beat him up a bit" Cora said looking at the guns and knifes

" alright it's done, you guys could start little missions right now" he then said

" sure why not" Cora shrugged

" well I need some people that need to be taken out" he said

" mean killed sure what's up" I Cora spoke quickly getting interested

" here are their information they have been causing some trouble around" he said as I took the papers

"And you may also tell everyone your back girls" he smirked as we knew what he meant

" the room in front of the this door is your belongings..Go NoW" he ordered and we all hurried out

" Finally let's play a bit" Cora smiled as I chuckle

" I kinda missed this too" I mumbled  as I opened the door and got memorized

" wow this place is huge...Let's get our shit though" willow said

I saw a bag of spray paint and a bag of guns and other shit and took them.

I put some knives in my shoe and a gun on my waist.

We all walk out all armed even if it's a small mission you never know what happens

I wrapped the bag around my body.

We start to head to the bar section when I remember something

" don't we have to change our bikes or something" I said

" let's just put the color changing thing when it touches water" lilac said

" right" I said

I walked in and heard whistles being thrown at us

I looked at the man and I could tell he wasn't from the gang

" Damn Girl Want To Smash later" he yelled out but I kept walking out

" I Like that see ya-

Cora then threw a knife near his head and he got startled

" Shut Up before I Make You" Cora hissed and he nodded

We then walked out to see the boys...

" Fuck...put your masks on and hair down" I say and they instantly did

We kept walking to our bikes as we didn't make eye contact with them

" Hey Who Are You Guys I have Never Seen You Around Here" Noah shouted to us

I heard him approached us and I turn my head a bit and he paused.

" oh it's you. Jenna was it" he said and I nodded my head

" I guess you have a group huh" he said scanning all of us

" well my I-

Cora then pulled out a gun but I stopped her from shooting

" stop it we are going to get killed bitch" I whisper to her and puts in her pocket

" looks Like you got a-

" Noah My boy how you been...girls go what are you still doing here" Luke said as he hurried us out of the situation

I then waved at him as I saw Noah stare at us as we left.

The Gangsters Target ✅I guessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz