Dreaming of Him

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Izuku's Dream

A frozen lake lay before Izuku. Snow covered mountains sat all around it; a light blue sky above him. In the distance he could see a figure starting to materialize on the ice. Slowly it was forming, like a jigsaw puzzle with many pieces. Something seemed to have pulled his body towards the figure, for he was already walking atop the frozen water. Shivering, Izuku tried his best to keep what little heat he had left by hugging himself tightly. He was wearing a sort of battle gear, like one might in a fairytale. As he got closer to the figure, he could tell they weren't wearing a top and had ash blonde hair.

Izuku started walking faster as he felt something dreadful was going to happen to the boy in front of him. He was walking too fast and slipped, falling to his knees and was now sliding on the lake. He stopped just about ten feet away from the boy when he took as much of him in as he could. He was staring at the boy's back, so he couldn't find his face.

"Wh-who are you?" Izuku finally took a look around the paper white landscape. "And, where are we?"

The boy turned around slowly, revealing a face that belongs to Izuku's beloved, Katsuki. Izuku  was breathless and shuddering as he stared at the other. Katsuki reached out a hand that offered Izuku to his feet. He accepted and was now standing in front of him, their hands resting in each other's. Katsuki pulled the boy into a tight hug. Heat spread through Izuku's body, melting the ice that had crystalized in his veins. Soon enough, he was getting warm. Too warm. Izuku looked at the boy and found him looking up, his eyes closed. He found this unsettling and loosened his hold on Katsuki, backing out of the hug.

"Kacchan?" Izuku whispered.

The boy didn't answer. Izuku lowered his gaze to the lake only for it to be brought back up by a flash of bright orange light. His eyes had to adjust only for him to see a pair of huge wings appearing in front of him. They seemed to be made of fire and were burning Katsuki's back where they touched. Before Izuku could react, the wings wrapped around his body and pulled him into his boyfriend's chest. The wings were burning Izuku where they held him, but Izuku couldn't escape. He didn't want to. He would die in the arms of his beloved. Blackness was lulling Izuku into eternal rest as Katsuki and him burned together like a lonesome star.

The boy spoke to him.

"Someday, we will shine together. Until then, we'll burn."


Izuku awoke with a start, springing upwards into a sitting position. He looked around the room to assure himself he was back home and ran his hands through his ruffled hair. While his hand went to touch his hair, he felt something wet on his cheek. Was he crying? He wiped his face with the back of his hand.

"Deku? You okay?"

Izuku whipped his head towards the voice. He was greeted with none other than Katsuki. Katsuki was laying next to him. When did he get there? His face had a very shocked expression on it, and he was staring the ceiling. He was also...blushing? Yup. He was extremely red.

"Yeah I'm oka-why are you so red?" Izuku asked.

Katsuki answered without looking at him. "Uh, Well. I had a dream. Yeah. That's all."

Izuku shook his head.

"Nope. That's not it." Izuku caught Katsuki glance at him and look back at the ceiling. He was even more red than before. Izuku smirked. "What type of dream was it, Kacchan?"

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