Mochi Shop pt. 2

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Izuku's P.O.V.

Kacchan and I made our way over to a table and started eating our food.

"Wow! This is so good! Thanks for buying this for me Kacchan!" I exclaimed while finishing my first mochi.

"Yeah whatever. This is pretty good though." Katsuki said while taking a drink of his cherry boba.

"Hey can I try your food?" I asked, expecting him to say no.

"Uh, fine. You know what, let's just share our food. It's a hell of a lot anyways." Katsuki said, already grabbing one mochi for himself.

"It's okay if I use your spoon and straw right? Cause you can use my straw I don't care." I asked while holding Kacchan's drink in my hands awaiting approval.

"I dont care. Do whatever. This mochi's fucking bomb though." Katsuki stated, halfway done with his first piece of mochi while I took a drink of the tangy cherry liquid.

"Oh wow, that's pretty sour." I said, setting the drink down and taking a spoonful of Kacchan's ice cream. Kacchan set his mochi down and took a sip of my sour green apple drink.

"Same with yours. Fucking christ, my jaw hurts now." Katsuki said while making a face and rubbing the side of his jaw.

Kacchan and I were eating quietly for a little while but it was getting kinda awkward because he realized that our legs were entangled with each other under the table. I of course didn't mind but it was a little gay. Just a little. But Kacchan didn't mind after a while. In fact we were playing footsies for a little bit and were laughing up a storm. The storm didn't last long though because we got asked by a neighboring table to quiet down.

"Hey Kacchan." I said.

"Hm" Katsuki answered.

"Remember when you had a cup of ramen noodles for lunch, someone said that ramen noodles were gross and it made you mad so you punched them, made a small explosion, and their pants burned off?" I said

"Oh yeah. That moron was asking for it. No one talks badly about my ramen. No one." Katsuki said.

"I didn't know you were so protective over your food Kacchan. I just thought you were having a bad day. I guess I would get mad too if someone said katsudon was gross."

Unless you were the one that said it. Then I'd probably agree cause you're my crush.

Right when I thought the word 'crush' Kacchan spit out his drink on the floor and started coughing loudly.

"Kacchan are you okay?" I said while getting up and making my way over to him. He was hunched over on the ground.

"Y-yeah I *cough* I'm fine *cough cough*" Katsuki managed to blurt out.

By now almost our whole class was surrounding us to see what happened. Luckily there was only two other people in the shop. They didn't really care.

"Are you sure? Because your face is really red and you won't look at me." I said concerned.

"Maybe he's not looking at you because he likes- ow! What the hell was that for?" Mina said, rubbing below her left shoulder.

"You never know when the right time is to say something. And now is not the time." Kirishima said.

"Why are the extras here again?" Katsuki mumbled to me.

"Um. They got worried but now they're leaving." I said and shooed them all away.

"I'm fine you morons. I can take care of myself!" Katsuki yelled but our classmates were already leaving.

While Kacchan was getting up he almost fell over but I was holding on to his back so nothing bad happened.

"Kacchan you don't seem okay. I'll get us a ride home." I said. He nodded slowly.

I pulled out my phone and looked at the time.

Holy moly it's already 5:30!? We got here at 2:00!

I called my mom but she wasn't picking up so I got Kacchan to call his parents, but they didn't pickup either.

I opened my Pick-Me-Up app and immediately got a ride.

Kacchan and I were waiting outside cause it's early autumn and it was pretty warm. It didn't take long for our ride to get here and we were very pleased about that.

We both got in the back of the car. It had leather seats but I didn't mind the coldness for long because thankfully the car had seat warmers. Of course Kacchan didn't care. He never gets cold.

The ride was fairly quick and we hopped out of the car. Kacchan was already walking to his house while I went over to the driver's window and gave him some money.

"Thank you for the ride." I said as I started to head home.

"No problem kid." The driver yelled as he drove away to his next customer.

I got inside of my house, took off my shoes, and headed for my bedroom to put my stuff away. Once I put everything away I found a note on my bed.

Hello Honey,

I'm off on that trip with the Bakugo's I was telling you about so I won't be home for the rest of the week. I trust that you stay safe and not let Katsuki burn anything down. I love you and will see you soon.

Katsuki? Why would I need to keep an eye on Kacchan?




I made my way to the front door without taking my eyes off of the letter. I opened the door only to find an annoyed Kacchan. I looked back and forth from Kacchan's name to his face.

You've got to be kidding me.

Word count: 946 words

Heyo I know I took a while to upload a new chapter but hey. Here it is. I haven't been busy I've just been lazy. Hah. Hah. Sorry. This chapter is a decent size too. I made up for my absence. Hope you like it. Bye~ <3

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