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Lucy woke grunting from her headache.

She wiped her face from the stickiness from her wet pillow from when she cried herself to sleep. Remembering her promise to herself she begrudgingly got up and got ready.

She still couldn't believe her closest friends said such things to her. Their words almost brought tears to her eyes but she held it back, she has to prove them wrong, she will prove them wrong.

She is not helpless she is not weak.

Making sure to put do her hair and get her keys and her whip. She fixed her boots and stalking before locking up her apartment.

"Watch your step Lucy" The boatman called out to her as she walked on the edge.

"aye aye" Lucy got off the ledge and continued towards Fairytail making any excitement she had remaining dissipate.

She took a deep breath as she stood before the door. 'I can do this' she reassured herself.

'Just get a job and get on with it' She took a deep breath before pushing the door open the guilt silenced as they saw the blond at the door.

Lucy fought not to shrink from their stares and made her way to the job board. Lucy ignored their mummers and looked for a job.

'One that will prove to them I'm not weak.' she scanned the board and stopped at one particular one.

She grabbed it and stared at it. "Huh" she muttered as she stared at it.

"That’s a weird key" She slurred as a fog invaded her brain before walking towards Mira a strange determination filling her as she ignored the prying gaze of the guilt members.

"I'm going on this one" She showed the job to Mira.

Mira stared surprised she's speaking to her before glancing at the flyer the blond was showing her. Worry showed in her eyes.

"Are you sure, it could be a little dangerous" Mira asked while Lucy narrowed her eyes at her. Just earlier that day she was just going against her and now she was worried?

"No I'm fine with this one" Lucy snapped her mind clouded as she registered Mira was calling her weak.

"But-" Mira paused a fog clouded her brain staring at the flyer.

"Alright fine, be careful" She sent a slight smile towards Lucy's way before returning back to cleaning the counter.

Lucy shrugged walking out of the guilt before her mind cleared. She looked at the flyer than back at the guilt. "Weird" she muttered before going towards her apartment.

Back at the guilt Mira blinked before looking back where Lucy once was. "Huh" she looked around in confusion.

'I could have sworn she was there a second ago with a job.'


Lucy sighed as she got on the train staring at the job.

'To exterminate a demon huh.'

10000 jewels

"Wonder what that weird key has to do with it, I've never seen one like it before." Lucy thought out loud before falling asleep.


"Ohayo" I greeted the man as he opened the door.

"Who are you?" the man asked curiously.

"I got your job flyer" Lucy showed him the flyer while he nodded and opened the door wider letting her in.

Lucy glanced around the house before sitting down shifting under the mayor's gaze.

When a fairy has fallen #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now