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"Look if you just try one of these, you'll be like a whole new person" he said. I looked at him like he was crazy. He had the pill on his palm facing me. I looked at him taking it from him , swallowing it down with water. He took two with the same water bottle. He leaned back into the headboard. I was typing away finishing my project. It kicked in after a few minutes, my heart started beating a bit to quick, my body was relaxing , eyes are starting to become droopy and I hit send to the email. I turned to look at him and he was smiling playing with my hair that was down. 

" it's pretty and curly , I like that" he looked at me smiling sitting up grabbing my hand. Playing with my fingers and kissing my hand up to my neck. I pushed him off softly and he nodded. Mentioning brownies and leaving to go get them. After a while she comes in looking at me , her lips are moving but I heard no words. At least well I have picked up a few words she said. Drug addict , poser , whiney , attention seeker. He came in and shoved her out of the room. I remembered looking down at my hands upset. He placed the brownies in front of me smiling hugging me. 

We talked about everything I could have thought of. The next morning I took some as well. I was relaxed and sleepy. But everything felt right. It wore off by the time school ended and I went straight to sleep when I arrived home. This isn't bad at all I thought to myself. I'm not addicted to anything at all. This is just how it is. 

End of an EraWhere stories live. Discover now