How I met Attila the San(ta)

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*This chapter will be taking place during the Fate/GO 2019 Christmas event when it first came out. Anyways, please enjoy this chapter.*

It was Christmas time again in Chaldea. With the investigation team from the Mage Association coming soon, everyone wanted to spend one last holiday together as a group.....however, something strange happened. Instead of the nice and crisp cold weather that normally takes place in the winter, Chaldea was in the midst of heat wave. This mysterious heat arrived about two weeks ago and since then, more and more people were collapsing from the heat. Staff were calling in sick while servants seemed to collapsing from heat stroke.

The only one who seemed to be unaffected from seemed to be Ryan. The brown haired boy was somehow immune the effect of the heat, but with each passing day, more and more of his friends passed out from the heat. He knew he had do something when Mashu, Santa Alter, and Jeanne D'Arc Alter Santa Lily passed, so the master began to wander the halls finding someway to help them. Unfortunately, as he walked through the halls, he saw more and more people passed out from the heat. He even saw Izumi passed among the his fallen servants.

"Wow....this is bad.," Ryan said deeply concerned for everyone. "What is going on?"

"I can explain!," Caster Gilgamesh stated as he appeared out of nowhere with an unconscious Sheba thrown over his shoulder. "It's seems that the Underworld is attacking Chaldea and giving everyone Sumerian Summer Fever! If it's not dealt with soon, everyone in Chaldea will die!"

The boy just raised an eyebrow. "Why are you carrying Sheba? You haven't been doing anything to her."

Gil glared daggers at his master. "Master, I would nev—well, I mean...ok maybe in my youth, but I'm a changed man. I simply taking care of my fallen assistant. You should be grateful that you haven't shared her fate. Thanks to your experience in the Underworld back during the Seventh Singularity, you have somehow become immune to the Underworld's heat."

" how to we save everyone?," Ryan asked.

"Easy, I'll use my remaining power to Rayshift you to the Underworld," Caster Gilgamesh said with a smile. "Leave Chaldea to me!"

"Wait...what?!," the young man exclaimed as the King of Heroes snapped his fingers causing his master to teleport to Underworld.

"Now...let's get you somewhere safe.," Caster said as he carried Queen of Sheba to safety in a circle of fans so she could possibly cool down.

Meanwhile, Ryan immediately found himself falling to his death...again. "Crap Baskets!!! Why do I keep falling every time I rayshift!! Could this possibly get any worse?!"

That when the boy noticed a group of ice skeleton ghost with porkpie hats on their heads soaring towards him with murderous intent. "Me and my big mouth!!!"

Just as the ghosts launch a barrage of attacks on him, they suddenly struck down as something zoomed past Ryan leaving a trail of red, blue, and green lights in its wake. The entity immediately turned around and flew up next to the boy as Ryan saw familiar female servant that he hadn't seen since the Second Singularity sitting on a sheep and....wearing a mustache?

"Ho ho ho! Looks like you need some help, Master!," Altera(?) said with a bright smile on her face

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Ho ho ho! Looks like you need some help, Master!," Altera(?) said with a bright smile on her face. "Lucky for you, Attila the Santa is here to save the day!"

The master of Chaldea stared at the Saber(?) class servant while he continued to fall with the white haired girl followed behind him gracefully soaring down. "So....I'm guessing you're this year's Christmas welfare?"

"Yep! Now let's go save Christmas!," Attila stated with a cheer.

"Ok..., but can you save me first?," the boy asked. "I'm still falling to my death!"

"Actually, you're falling slowly to the ground. So you won't get injured when you hit the ground.," Santa said with a smile.

"Really? That's goo-?!," Ryan said as suddenly something fell on top of him causing him to crash to the ground.

"That look like it hurt....," the Archer class servant said as she glided down towards the crash site.

Meanwhile, the brown haired boy groaned in pain as he noticed a familiar goddess on top of him. "What are you doing here?"

 "What are you doing here?"

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"I'm here to help you.," Ishtar said with a smile
"I've been the Underworld too, so stupid Gilgamesh sent me to help you. By the way, thanks for breaking my fall."

"Thanks for breaking my back...," the boy groaned in pain.

"So....can we go save Christmas now?," Attila the San(ta) asked as the couple turned towards her. "Or are you two going to flirt all day?"

"I mean....we could.," the goddess said with a flirty smile directed at the boy underneath him.

"This is going to be one of those adventures, isn't it?," Ryan said as he got up as the adventure to save Christmas....for the third year in the row.

How I met my Harem 3 (Fate/GO Fanfiction Part 3)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum