"By the art explanation."

"Of course, so here I also have a painting room because at times I get inspired and I don't want to forget it so I go to the back."

"So I need you to greet customers and if they insist upon meeting the painter then you can call me. I will come out and talk to them in person."

"I see," she replies.

"Okay you can go finish off what you were doing and when you are done, I will explain in more detail what you are supposed to do."

"Yes Sir." as she goes back to what she was doing. Olivia cleaned to the best of her abilities as this was the first different job that she had. She had to prove to herself that she could do something different from the other previous job she had.

"I'm done with cleaning Sir and what would be the next thing you want me to do?"

"Okay, now I will teach you how to use the cash register and how to cash up." As they move onto there.

"Why do you trust me so much, what if I steal your money, Sir."

He chuckles a bit "I know you wouldn't Olivia" as he looks at her straight in the eye. She feels a bit uncomfortable as she looks away. Why did he say it with such confidence as if he has known her for the longest time?

Most of the time as a prostitute, clients would come back and accuse you of stealing things you never stole or say cutting remarks about you "you better not steal anything!" and she tried to not let those words bother her at all, but she knew those remarks hurt. They would call you vile names and here this man that she barely knows is putting all his trust on her. She couldn't let herself overthink as much as she already did.

"Where does your mind keep wandering off to?" as he searches her face.

"Sorry, I am going to focus more than a hundred percent, Sir."

"I wasn't asking for an apology Olivia. I am just worried about you because you seem like you are somewhere else."

"I am fine, can we carry on with our work?"

"Sure." as he carries on explaining to her how it all works.

She focuses on getting everything right. "Okay let me void this ticket." Yet it doesn't work and she ends up making a bigger mess.

Lucas sees the distraught look on her face and he rushes over. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to get it wrong."

"Its okay Olivia." as he fixes it with a few clicks.

"I'm so stupid, I will never get anything right!" as she goes outside. She sits there for half an hour, the day is already gone and it is late at night when Lucas comes out of the shop.

"Let's go home." He smiles at her and she is puzzled.

Was he disappointed in her? He probably was, she would be too. Her heart feels very heavy. What if she can't do anything right? Of course she can't. What if he chases her out? Where would she go then? Should she offer him sex as a payment? But he didn't seem like he was interested.

She shakes her head, no that's not right. She couldn't go back to that. She couldn't endure it anymore and it had been a while since she felt like she had gained her freedom.

She doesn't respond to him and she Just looks outside into the darkness. They get to his house. "Go change and I will get dinner going." She nods as she walks off. She goes to their room and she undresses and changes into her pajamas. She feels very comfortable as she walks downstairs.

Olivia finds him cooking and it smells delicious. She sits by the counter as she watches him cook. "Do you want to tell me what has been eating at you for the whole day?"

She looks up at him "nothing that I can't handle."

"Why don't you just tell me at least a bit?"

"Fine, I don't know when you are going to fire me or get tired of an incompetent person like me."

He laughs as if it is some joke, "No I won't."

"It's easy for you to say since you already have found your passion as a painter"

"And so will you Olivia" Why did he have to say it with such calmness and assurance. It angered her more that he was so calm and sure about everything.

"Fine if you say so." as she doesn't want to go in any further into the matter with him.

He just smiles at her and he starts to eat. "Sir how many women have you slept within your lifetime?" he chokes on his water as he starts to cough really loud. He is beet red and she sees the look in his eyes.

"Wow don't tell me you haven't slept with anyone."

His silence confirms the answer that she was looking for. He was a virgin. "I could teach you a few things you know." he doesn't say anything.

"But Sir." She waits for him to look at her. "Why haven't you had sex?"

"Because I'm not married yet." He really does look calm.


"The first person I'm going to make love to is my wife."

She tilts her head in amusement "so wouldn't a virgin be better for you too?"

He looks up and gazes at her squarely "No I don't care if you are a virgin or not, Olivia."

"Really, wouldn't it be a magical experience." as she mocks him.

"Two virgins find love and they stay together forever as they discover each other."

"Life is not all about sex you know. I believe if you find the right person then everything will fall into place." It seemed as if Lucas was living in a bubble. This is not how the world worked.

The Prostitute and The PainterWhere stories live. Discover now