Chapter 24

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(Third Person POV)
Dream smiled Killer had fallen asleep he grabbed a blanket and covered Killer when he exited the room he ran into Nightmare "Hey"Dream said "I need to talk you it's about Killer"Dream nodded they both walked down the hall "So what did you want to tell me?"Dream asked "It's about his condition I talked to Sci and....."Nightmare cut himself off "and what.....?"Dream was starting to get nervous Nightmare sighed "He might get his memory back but there's a chance he won't ever remember us"Nightmare said Dream eyes widened "but he has to remember us!"Dream said "We can't control that Dream! This is something none of us can control Killer might remember us but there's a chance he will remember us but just keep in mind he might never remember us I'm just giving you a heads up so it hurts less later on"Nightmare said walking away Dream stayed still he couldn't believe it was Killer never going to remember him? Dream took in a shaky breath he hugged himself and continued walking "DREAM!"he turned around Killer hid behind him "THEYRE TRYING TO GIVE ME MEDICINE!"Killer yelled Horror and Dust were chasing after him and were out of breath "H-He needs to drink this.....Dang it killer why are you so fast"Dust said trying to regain his breath Killer stayed hidden behind Dream "You need to drink you know?"Dream said looking at Killer over his shoulder Killer crossed his arms "But I don't want to"Dream sighed 'he's really different now.....'Killer stared at Dream "Fine I'll drink it"Killer groaned he grabbed the medicine and left Dream walked away and so did Horror and Dust but none of them were aware of how Killer felt at that moment Dream wasn't aware he actually mumbled his thought "Am I really acting different.....? Am I doing something wrong? Why can't I remember that!"Killer mumbled he opened his door closed it and locked it he slowly slid down it he brought his knees up to his chest "Why do I feel strange around that Dream guy?"Killer looked at his hands suddenly blood appeared on his hands then disappeared Killers eyes widened "e-eh?!" Killer looked around he saw horrible scenes of people screaming he looked at himself he was covered in blood than it disappeared Killer gasped "d-did I do this....?"Killer mumbled he stood up he looked at the mirror he saw a knife in his hand covered in blood he was smiling than it turned normal Killer immediately took the medicine the visions stopped he covered his mouth "what's going on....."he mumbled
I got yes on the sequel so this next chapters will only focus on this problem than time-skip than I will publish the sequel since the next one will be the time skip will be the same chapter so all of you can start on chapter three since you all already know what happens

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