Chapter 2

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This chapter will be hinting at the ship:



A little bit of horrorlust


(Dreams POV)

I teleported back to my castle I looked at the bubble lust was in I smirked "you'll be very useful"I chuckled I set the bubble down and it dissapered I sat down on my throne Lust would know a lot about horror if i can just get enough information on all of them I'll win the game "uhg my head"lust sat up he looked at me his eyes were still pink with a black heart pupil it shows he's under my control he kept staring at me "stand up"I order he immediately stood up no sings of resistance "Lust by any chance do you know horror weakness?"I asked he nodded slowly I stood up and got closer to listen better "is one of them you?"I asked "Horror is someone who doesn't speak much about weaknesses but if he fights for it or them then he cares a lot about them he does care a lot about me"He replied I grinned "interesting is he better on fist to fist?"I asked "Horror doesn't have the best defensive when he's just using his hands if you block his magic and take away his weapon you'll have a high chance of winning"I chuckled "very well thank you lust also call me king,sir,or majesty"I ordered "yes your majesty"He bowed down a little "your excused lust"I put a hand on his forehead the bubble appeared again and he fell asleep again "watch out nightmare youll pay for stealing my crush"I mumbled 

(Dusts POV)

"Why are we in the star sanses AU?!"me and error started blushing a bit "okey which two of all of you likes one of the star sanses?"Nightmare asked "Not me they already took the one i like away"Horror mumbled "You like lust?"cross asked horror started blushing "I mean um n-not me i don't like anyone haha"He smiled nervously "You like him"I teased he glared at me "And you like blue!"He shot back welp this is my funeral "so you like one of them and if it isnt horror that leaves error"Cross said Error was a blushing mess "Oh shush!"Error said "Nightmare? Error? Cross? Dust? Horror? Why are you all here?"I looked to the side Ink was standing there with blue "Well you were right about dream being evil"Error said Ink frowned "Now you believe me?"Ink asked we nodded excpet for nightmare "He took lust away! Hes after things and people we love!"Horror said Inks eyes widened "oh no"He mumbled "We all should get going and quick"Blue said ws followed them to their old base we knew where it was so they made another one which we haven't found yet "Okey we have to make a plan on how to stop dream we already know he's after cross's love"Ink said nightmare growled he pulled cross closer to him "how about a sneak attack a few of us distract dream while the others stay hidden and try to take away the staff?"Ink suggested "Oh ink~ oh blue~ come come out where ever you are"We immediately knew dream was near "hurry up we don't have much time!"I whispered Ink tried to open a portal "it won't worked!!!!"He whispered shouted "are you in here?!" The door busted open "well well guess i got lucky"He looked around the room his gazed landed on cross he smirked nightmare immediately covered cross Dream glared at him we pulled out our weapons this wasn't going to be pretty

To be continued


Two chapters in one day expect this to happen often 

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