Chapter 3

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(Third Person POV)
Not a single sound was made everyone had their weapons out staring at Dream who haven't even made his move yet Dream chuckled "how about this Ink,blue,and crossy come with me and I won't hurt them"A few bubbles appeared lust was in one of them outer,Fell,sci,and others who were friends were either the star sanses or bad sanses were in bubbles horror couldn't stand it he looked away to make sure he didn't shout deal everyone else started at each other this was a huge problem it's either three of them surrendered to Dream and no one gets hurt or no one surrenders and ends up with many lives be put in danger blue and ink glanced at each other's they both sighed "we surrender but cross on the other hand that's their choice"Ink replied immediately dust and error tried to stop them but they had already walked up to Dream "crossy what's your answer?"Dream asked no one could read his eyes they didn't give a single sign of regret or guilt none "I-I....."Cross looked at everyone "Let them go and I go with you!"Cross shot Dream smirked "cross wait!"Ink said "shh Ink this is Cross decisión not yours"Dream said Cross hold his hand our "deal"Dream said half of the bubbles disappeared Ink and blue were shot with something and they both fell to the ground "What this wasn't part of t-"Cross "you never said how many~"Dream purred cross's widened he had just walked into dreams trap nightmare tried to grab cross but it was to late they both have disappeared "no!"Nightmare said "its to late nightmare they have him but well safe him"Dust said "THIS ISNT RIGHT DREAM HAS TO BE STOPPED HE PLAYED DIRTY HE JUST CHEATED!"Horror yelled "there's nothing we can do right now we have to find out what happened to Ink and blue then we worry about Dream"Error said they all nodded but nightmare was furious his own brother cheated took away who the person who had finally managed to win nightmares love this wasn't a battle no this was a full out war
I'm glad your all enjoying this story also this chapter might be bad since it was rushed

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