🧵 Twenty-One: Just Because It's Complicated Doesn't Mean It's Really Over

Start from the beginning

As they drove out of the parking lot, Alex locked eyes with Ravi who was standing by the curb. His backpack was casually slung over a shoulder, and he had a pair of headphones over his ears as his head bobbed with the beat. An air of "I don't give a crap" surrounded him, making other kids avoid him at all costs, however, she couldn't help but notice how alone and miserable he looked.

Her heart ached as his gaze darted from her to Hugo. Shock reflected back to her as well as a healthy dose of hurt. Guilt assuaged her, but she quickly shoved it down. She wasn't doing anything wrong. She was with Hugo—well, sort of—and Ravi knew that.

An upbeat song came over the speakers, drawing Alex away from Ravi and back to Hugo. Hugo cleared his throat, a nervous sound filling the car. "So, um, how are things with the drama club?"

Her muscles immediately tensed. "More difficult than I thought it would be. I mean, I knew it would be hard going into it, but..." She blew out a frustrated breath. "It's more than the costumes. Sewing, I can do, but everything else?" She shook her head as she remembered the text Keya sent her this morning. "It's in shambles."

"Anything I can do to help?"

"It's sweet of you to offer but unless you got a miracle packed away somewhere..."

"No miracles but I do have two good hands."

"I'd take you up on it if I thought it would help, but we need more than just set designers." She pursed her lips. "Can you keep a secret aka don't tell Georgie?"

He mimed zipping up his lips.

"We don't even have enough people to play all the parts. Already the smaller roles are being doubled up by people, but even that's not enough." Keya kept promising to recruit more students, but so far only two new kids had joined and frankly, their acting skills were about as good as her own which wasn't saying much.

"Seriously?" Hugo tilted his head, the afternoon sun highlighting his strong jaw and full lips.

And suddenly Alex felt like fanning her face. He might not have the broody, loner thing going for him the way Ravi did, but Hugo had his own charm—one that left her with butterflies in her stomach. "Yeah, that was my reaction too."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I can't quit."

"It's not like you signed a contract. Tell them it's not working out and then come back to Playhouse." Hope shined in his voice. "We'd see each other more often. Hang out afterwards."

She was tempted by the picture he painted, but she shook her head. "I can't do that to Keya. She's depending on me."

"To work yourself to the bone for a play that's probably not going to happen?"

He didn't get it. Even if the play flopped, it was still something that she'd been apart of without Alexx. That meant something to her. As well as the fact that she'd promised Keya. Promises were meant to be kept.

Once they got to the smoothie shop, they ordered—her a mango banana blast and him a triple berry—and silently waited next to each other. A chord of anticipation ran between them, every second ticking to a fate that was still yet to be decided.

After getting their orders, they walked around back to where a small pavilion with benches stood surrounded by trees that were slowly shedding their autumn leaves. She took her cues from Hugo, sitting next to him in silence. Tension mounted as she took a long sip.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. "I'm sorry," she said in a burst of nervous energy.

Hugo didn't pretend to misunderstand. "Are you dating him?" he asked in a stiff tone matching his equally stiff body. All his muscles were strung tighter than a violin.

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