Part 1 :- Lost and Found

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"You wanted to kill him, right? Here is your chance. Now that both of you are weak, the fight will be even."

Shen catches the keys and opens the cage. But instead of walking towards a bleeding YiJun, as the princess had expected, he immediately shifts into his wolf form and attacks Su Shin, bitting her neck and ripping out her blood vessels.

Blood starts oozing out of her eyes and ears along with her neck, drenching her wedding gown in red.

{A/N end of violent content}

The Su Shin's eyes widen in shock before her eyes close.

Shen shifts back to his human form and runs to YiJun.

"YiJun... " Shen whispers, holding his nephew's body in his arms.

"Uncle, will I die now?" YiJun asks as black spider-web like lines crawl out of the place the princess had bitten him, and climb over his neck and shoulders.

"I don't think so. I think you are changing."

"Did she never bite you?" YiJun asks.

"No, she didn't. I think she was scared that it might kill me. I have heard that only a few can survive her bite. And I think you will survive. Our blood is strong." Shen answers.

All of a sudden, YiJun feels a stabbing pain in his heart. 

"Uncle, please help me. Help me get to Xian. He saw me embracing the princess. He might have gotten the wrong idea." YiJun begs.

"Stay here, and I will bring him to you."

"No, uncle, he will not believe you. You have to take me to him." YiJun explains, trying to stand up. But even before he can sit up straight, he feels his throat constrict, a strangling sensation. He struggles, gasping for air.

"YiJun, what is it? Does it hurt? Say something." Shen asks, trying to calm the younger man down without success.

Suddenly, YiJun stops moving and loses conciseness.

"YiJun! Wake up." Shen shakes the younger man's shoulder, but YiJun remains motionless.


*Jiang Residence around 10 pm.*

Wei Xian's phone rings.

"Wei gege, it's me, Mianmian." the voice on the other end speaks in a clear tone.

"You should be sleeping, young lady. What are you still doing up?" Wei Xian enquires.

"Wei gege, I told you a couple of hours ago that Jiang Cheng and four of my other friends will be spending the night at my place for finishing the assignments. Gege, I think you should see a doctor about your memory problem." Mianmian teases.

"Hahaha. Very funny. By the way, why did you call so late in the night."

"Gege, Jiang Cheng's laptop crashed because of... "

Before Mianmian can finish, there is a shuffling noise at the other end, and then Jiang Cheng speaks. 

"Wei Xian, there is a problem with my laptop. Can you get my back up drive here? It's on my desk."

"Jiang Cheng, at least ask me politely," Xian suggests, smiling affectionately. 

'This boy...I wonder why his laptop crashed?'

"Please, Wei Xian, you know we will be in trouble if we don't hand it over tomorrow. Moreover, you always say that you are my right-hand man. Can't you even do this much for me?" Jiang Cheng pleads.

"I will be there in twenty," Xian says before cutting the call and dressing himself in a simple White T-shirt and pajama pants. 

He thinks of informing Yanli that he will be stepping out for a bit, but when he finds her, she is sleeping with their parent's photo album in her lap. Xian decides against waking her up. 'I will be back in an hour. Shijie won't even know that I had stepped out at night.'

He picks the drive from Jiang Cheng's room and heads out to Mianmian's house on his bicycle.

Xian is used to riding his bicycle, so riding it for twenty minutes was not an issue. The problem was that he had not estimated that it would be cold outside. To add to that was the fact that Xian hated the dark, and he hated venturing out alone after sunset, so he seldom went out after 9 pm. Thus, after a few minutes, he starts feeling cold; he contemplates riding back and grabbing his jacket, but he decides to endure the cold instead. By the time he reaches Mianmian's house, he feels like an ice cube.

"Gege, it was dumb of you to step outside without as much as a jacket," Mianmian scolds, handing over a cup of hot chocolate to Xian, her tone reminds him of Yanli.

Xian smiles affectionately. 

"It's ok. Really. Thank you for the hot chocolate."

"Xian, why don't you stay here for the night? You can take Jiang Cheng back with you at dawn." Mianmian's mother suggests.

"Thank you for the offer, aunty, but Shijie is at home alone. I need to go back. Jiang Cheng, be more careful next time. And be ready at dawn."

"At least take this." Mianmian's mother hands over a spare jacket to Xian.

Xian wears the jacket, bows to Mianmian's parents, and leaves.

*Somewhere in a poor neighborhood, between dark alleys*

A middle-aged man walks out of a small house. He has bruises on his knuckles.

He starts walking with sure steps towards his destination. He doesn't realize that a man dressed in black is following him.

The man in black is on the hunt again, and the man walking just a few meters ahead of him is his prey for the night.

{Note:- Word count 1498

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