My time skip training regime!

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It has been 4 years since I have been training with Garp and just like I thought he tort-I mean trained me to become one the of the most powerful Marines the world has ever seen. He has been training me for 4 years at Marineford.

When my training first began I revealed my powers when a training sword swiped me in half and let me tell something being able to feel your legs despite the fact it is SEPARATED from your body is a scary feeling. Garp on the other hand was shocked to see I had eaten Devil fruit literately he was shocked the moment the conductible sword pass through me.

I was questioned immediately on how and when I've eaten a devil fruit. I responded with not remembering anything but a disgusting taste, I was immediately laughed at by Garp telling I could kiss being able to swim goodbye for the rest of my life. I proceeded to pretend I was shocked I couldn't swim because thats basic one piece knowledge.

Garp on that day decided for a year I wouldn't be able to train my powers and would focus on my physical training for the first year.

Despite that I was 13 years after a year passed I was rocking muscles everywhere, I was admiring myself in the mirror when I noticed something.

'Why the hell do I look like Siegfried!?'

On that day I had the idea of designing Balmung a sword that would able to conduct and store my powers for devastating attack and blows best part I didn't need to name any of the attacks.

The second year I began training my powers, the first being able to control my emotion since whenever I was angry a storm of large magnitudes would appear. the second part the of the training was how much electricity could I generate and manipulating and let me tell you something it was scary how much damage I could dish out. during this year Garp would be in the East Blue for most of the time.

'heh probably visiting his grandsons.' I though seeing the child like faces of them in a photo Garp showed me to display his annoyances of them to become pirates but I just said they looked adorable together just to annoy him but also in technicality I am their uncle and I have yet to visit any of them. Anyways when training my powers I forced myself not to rely on my powers of nearly instantaneous teleportation through lightning and flying and you know the can't be harmed by normal means, I focused mainly on physical attacks powered by my lightning and thats how I recreated the fist of havoc from destiny and destiny 2. Let me tell you Garp actually activated his haki armament to then proceeded to whoop  my ass for being overconfident the moment I unlocked it.

On the last two years I begged Garp to teach me haki and he finally allowed it but my god those last 2 years were painful, on the last year of training my blueprints for Balmung went missing I suspect one of the trainee's got jealous of me and is either trying to complete it to use it against me.

I immediately informed Garp about this and had a serious expression on his face and proceeded to tell me he would inform Sengoku about the matter but something in me tells me I forgot something. Despite that I continued my haki training finally being able to integrate it with my lightning I called it Kuroi Inazuma a black lightning that would penetrate anything but a stronger haki the moment I would send it.

Right now I was attending my marine graduation ceremony, when it came to the marine ceremony they would give you your outfit and depending on grades practicality and intellectually they would give you either the normal marine outfit with or without coat depending on grades but if you have done really well then you get a suit and the fleet admiral decides on what rank you get.

"Congratulations Kurayami D. Ochita." said the Marine Instructor to me as he proceeded to give me a grey tailored suit along with a black button up shirt with a light blue tie.

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